A chessboard is a gameboard used to play chess. It consists of 64 squares, 8 rows by 8 columns, on which the chess pieces are placed. It is square in shape and uses two colours of squares, one light and one dark, in a chequered pattern. During play, the board is oriented such that each player's near-right corner square is a light square.

The columns of a chessboard are known as files, the rows are known as ranks, and the lines of adjoining same-coloured squares (each running from one edge of the board to an adjacent edge) are known as diagonals. Each square of the board is named using algebraic, descriptive, or numeric chess notation; algebraic notation is the FIDE standard. In algebraic notation, using White's perspective, files are labeled a through h from left to right, and ranks are labeled 1 through 8 from bottom to top; each square is identified by the file and rank which it occupies. The a- through d-files constitute the queenside, and the e- through h-files constitute the kingside; the 1st through 4th ranks constitute White's side, and the 5th through 8th ranks constitute Black's side.

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The earliest known ancestor of the chessboard is the Ashtpada board. Among other games, it was used to play chaturanga, a historical precursor to chess, beginning around the 6th century in India. The board uses a single color for all squares and is divided into eight columns by eight rows, with marked squares called castles in the corners of each quadrant. Unlike in Ashtpada, castles serve no function in chaturanga.[1]

The chessboard acquired its modern chequered pattern in the 10th century with the arrival of chess in Europe.[2] This pattern was based on that of the then-55 draughts board.[3] As a result of this change, each diagonal was now highlighted by a continuous sequence of same-coloured squares, which later facilitated the introduction of the modern bishop and queen movements in the 15th century.[4]

The Libro de los juegos (1283) contains a description of the chessboard, describing eight rows and columns as the ideal number, deeming the practice of chess on the 1010 board too tiresome and on the 66 board too quick.[5] In the 13th century, some players began using the convention that the first square of the far right column should be light-coloured; this convention was endorsed by Pedro Damiano at the end of the 15th century.[6]

High-level games generally use wooden boards, while vinyl, plastic, and cardboard are common for less important tournaments and matches, as well as for home use. Additionally, some very large chessboards are built into or drawn on the ground. Rarely, decorative glass and marble boards are permitted for games conducted by national or international chess federations.

There are various systems for recording moves and referring to the squares of the chessboard; the standard contemporary system is algebraic notation. In algebraic notation, the files are identified by the letters a to h, from left to right from the white player's point of view, and the ranks by the numbers 1 to 8, with 1 being closest to the white player. Each square on the board is identified by a unique coordinate pairing, from a1 to h8.[9]

Variant chessboard shapes and sizes go back to the Persian origins of the game in the 10th century, when the book Muraj adh-dhahab (Board of the Gods) described six different variants of chess, including circular and cylinder chess.[10] Due to the widespread creation of new variants, a wide variety of sizes can be found. Gliski's hexagonal chess utilises a board with 91 hexagonal spaces of three different colours. One innovation of the 13th century was the cylindrical board for use in cylinder chess.[11]

The board used for the Persian Tamerlane chess is one of the first recorded variant chessboards, with eleven columns by ten rows along with two citadels. Each player has a citadel to the right of their second rank, which may be occupied by the opponent's king, in which case that opponent may declare a draw.[12] In 1617, Pietro Carrera proposed a variant that received his name, Carrera's Chess, with a 108 board, later used in other variants such as Capablanca chess and Gothic Chess. Other sizes, with ten rows by ten columns, are used in Omega Chess and Grand Chess; Omega Chess has four additional squares, one in each corner of the board. Los Alamos chess uses a smaller 66 board.[13]

The game of chess has been represented in the arts since its creation. Chess sets usually had considerable artistic value; they were made of noble materials, such as ebony and ivory, and in large sizes. Many of the pieces in these sets were offered to churches as relics. The book Liber miraculorum sancte Fidis tells a story in which a nobleman, after miraculously escaping from prison, is forced to carry a chessboard until a sanctuary as gesture of gratitude. However, more frequently, there are stories in which the chessboard is used as a weapon. The French tale of Ogier the Dane reports how the son of Charlemagne brutally kills one of Ogier's sons with a chessboard after losing a match, although there is no evidence confirming the veracity of the story.[21]

In 1250, a sermon called Quaedam moralitas de scaccario per Innocentium papum (The Innocent Morality) showed the world as being represented by a chessboard. The white and black squares represented the two conditions of life and death or praise and censure; over these, the pieces, representing humanity, would confront each other in the adversities of the game, which symbolised life.

Due to its simple geometry, the chessboard is often used in mathematical puzzles or problems unrelated to chess, such as the wheat and chessboard problem and the mutilated chessboard problem. The term infinite chessboard is sometimes used to refer to a grid.

This package offers commands to print chessboards. It can print partial boards, hide pieces and fields, color the boards and put various marks on the board. It has a lot of options to place pieces on the board. Using exotic pieces (e.g., for fairy chess) is possible.

Please write a function named chessboard, which prints out a chessboard made out of ones and zeroes. The function takes an integer argument, which specifies the length of the side of the board. See the examples below for details:

Im working on trying to make a chessboard app. Everything works, its multiplayer, has multiplayer chat, custom games, even made it so each player can choose what type of board (drag or click to move) they use, it has a move logger and score board, the works.

So, I am trying to display a chessboard in javaFX. I will have to perform different operations and draw on some of the tiles so I chose to use a Canvas for each tile and a GridPane to arrange them for me in a grid fashion.

Unfortunately I am having some problems with the resizing of the grid tiles; I want my whole chessboard to automatically adapt its size to the Scene. Therefore, I have added a ChangeListener to both the height and width properties of the GridPane which takes care of resizing the tiles. This only works when the window gets bigger, when the window is reduced to a smaller size everything still gets bigger!

Here's the shortest SSCCE I came up with which reproduces my problem:

To be play-ready, your arsenal should include a club style roll-up chessboard. They're low cost, easy to source, and portable. That's why the roll-up chess board is the foundation of chess play in the U.S.A. and in most cases, worldwide. Starting at 20 inches square it's a large, visible size even for young players. These boards are played in scholastic events nationwide.

For protection of your chessboard a selection of chess board bags are available. Depending on the size board you may find one that fits your board and pieces. The 22" chess bags for example fit the 21" JLP Chess boards well.

That aside, you should verify that your board settings are correct, make sure you have the right number of rows and columns etc. Besides I noticed there is a shading gradient across the board, as if it was being illuminated with a single point light source. This is not a good idea with the OpenCV chessboard detector. I have noticed it is sensitive to the relative difference between white and black tiles, if the difference is too low, i.e. because of poor illumination, it will not detect the board. I suggest you take images of your calibration pattern in a room with plenty of ambient illumination.

The Purchasing Chessboard's 64 squares provide a rich reservoir of methods that, applied either individually or in combination, can reduce costs and improve relationships with suppliers. Because many are not commonly used in procurement, the chessboard also helps buyers find outside-of-the-box solutions.

The board has survived 33 years, a family of 7 kids and 3 major moves. While theory would suggest I should have been worried about wood movement, the chess board has held up well. I live in the Western Canadian Prairies - cold dry winters and hot dry summers. No wood movement here to speak of - certainly not on this chess board. Our shop teacher at the time had taught for over 30 years and every student had to make the maple and walnut chessboard - most of my friends are still using theirs! e24fc04721

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