Our instruments

Dust Accelerator Facility

We use the dust accelerator at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at CU Boulder to study the effects of hypervelocity impact micron-sized dust particles onto cryogenic ice surfaces. These measurements are critical in the interpretation of the results that will flow from the Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA) instrument which will be flown on Europa-Clipper mission. 

Frankenstein's Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

May 8, 2024 - We are constructing an ion trap time of flight mass spectrometer that will alllow us to continue our studies of the dissociation of interstellar aromatic molecules. The ion trap is located in our laboratory in Cristol room 26. The vacuum pumps are running and we hope to generate and detect our first ions soon.

Ice Target with IR Capability and TOF Mass Spectrometer

We are currently designing a cryogenic ice target system with near- and mid-infrared spectroscopic capabilities. The experimental system is funded through the NASA precursor science investigations for Europa Clipper grant. Many thanks go to prof. Zoltan Sternovsky, Henry Cardwell and Michael Creager for their help in the design of the apparatus.

CU Research Computing Facilities

We make strong use of quantum chemical calculations using CU Research Computing and are grateful for the allocation on their supercomputer and their support.