Google Earth is a virtual globe that lets you travel anywhere sitting right in front of your desk. You can explore any place on earth (even in 3D) and also beyond earth. You can explore the surface of Moon and Mars, and explore the stars in the night sky.

This disappearing map problem occurs on computers with Intel graphics running xserver-xorg-video-intel and Google Earth Pro versions that are more recent than google-earth-pro-stable_7.1.8.3036-r0_amd64.deb.

Google Earth Download Linux


google-earth-pro-stable_7.3.4.8642-r0_amd64.deb ... PassedGoogle-Terms-of-Service.html ... FAILEDGoogle-Earth-Additional-Terms-of-Service.html ... FAILEDLegal-Notices-for-Google-Earth-and-Google-Earth-APIs.html ... FAILEDGoogle-Privacy-Policy.html ... FAILED

If /CONFIG/.googleearth exists in the portable directory, 'instance-running-lock will be showing as a warning triangle with the link arrow, top left corner.....indicating it's a sym-link to a non-existent process. You can simply delete that & it'll re-create it again, this time in the right place.

Examined the portable folder, its subfolders and and their contents but could not find a file named config nor (showing hidden) .config. Wondered what clicking the script named googleearth would do? Had nothing to loose as I run PupMode13 and could always shutdown and just delete the portable folder.

googleearth started right up. Shut it down and then clicked the LAUNCH script. It started right up again. Still no config script.*

Shut it down and tried to start it again clicking LAUNCH. Got the 'lock' message again. Repeated the entire above procedure with the same results: success, success, failure.

*Well it unfroze, slightly. When it's started via the googleearth script, a populated /root/.googleearth folder and a /root/.config/Google folder is created. The latter contains a file named GoogleEarthPro.conf. Shutting that Googleearth started via that script does NOT remove those files and folders. So it works the first time it's started via the LAUNCH scripts. But those files and folders are deleted when 'LAUNCH' ends by closing Googleearth. So the next time you try to start it via the LAUNCH script those files neither exist in /root nor anywhere in the Googleearth portable folder and the error message is displayed.

I think what needed are provisions to copy the folders from /root into the portable folder on shutdown, then copy them back to root before googleearth tries to open. There appears to be such provisions but maybe they're out of sync. Brain freeze again.

The very first thing the 'LAUNCH' script does is to create an empty directory within the portable directory called 'CONFIG'. Inside that, it then creates an empty directory called 'Google', and another called '.googleearth'. Those are them sym-linked into position - where the app expects to find them if it had created them itself - ready to be populated when Google Earth fires up for the first time....

Bugger. I accidentally missed out the first 'mkdir' argument, didn't I? 'Mkdir' being what it is, it's designed to create one level at a time; having left the first line off by mistake, the next line attempts to create two levels simultaneously.....and of course, it falls flat on its face. That's why the 'Google' & '.googleearth' directories never get created.....and thus, never get sym-linked into position.

After updating google-earth to latest version it spits out during the splash screen following error message then once i hit ok it continues to main window with 3D viewer being unavailable.

When launching it from terminal the only useful output it produces is the reference to -> crash log file.

Same goes for google-earth6, i can't recall the previous version of google-earth which run flawlessly but it surely was v7. How can i solve it?

Originally called EarthViewer 3D, Google Earth is map and geographical information program. This program was acquired by Google in 2004, it displays satellite images of earth with varying resolutions, thus it allows us to view cities, houses, locations etc. This tool got popularity soon after its release and the power this tool possesses is mind boggling. You can view satellite imagery, maps, buildings, galaxies, and even the deepest depths of the ocean with this tool.

This tool lets you explore the whole world with mouse and keyboard, you can zoom in from outer space to the street or house level, you can visualize your GPS tracks and can share these details with others, the historical imaginary feature lets you go back in time. Built-in Measurement tool lets you calculate areas and distance, you can use and print high resolution google earth images for your presentations and reports as well. There is long list of features and tasks you can achieve with the help of Goolge earth. Its importance and usefulness is undeniable. Lets see how we can install this awesome tool in ubuntu Linux 15.04

The Earth Engine Python API is distributed as a conda-forge package at: -forge/earthengine-api.It is installed with the conda install command. Before installing,however, make a conda environment specifically for Earth Engine.Installing the Earth Engine API to its own environment ensures that itand its dependent packages will not cause versioning issues with yourbase environment or any other environment you've previously set up andvice versa. For more information on managing conda environments, pleasevisit this site.

You will be asked to confirm the installation of the API and itsdependencies. After confirming, conda will download and install thedependencies. If all goes well, you will now have a conda environmentcalled 'ee' with all the requirements for accessing the API, as well asthe earthengine command line tool.

Before using the Earth Engine API or earthengine command line tool, youmust perform a one-time authentication that authorizes access to EarthEngine on behalf of your Google account. To authenticate, use theauthenticate command from the earthengine command line tool.

Upon entering the authorization code, an authorization token gets savedto a credentials file which can be found below. Subsequent use of theAPI's ee.Initialize() command and the earthengine command line toolwill look to this file to authenticate. If you want to revokeauthorization, simply delete the credentials file.

i have google earth ,but when i try to look at the photos on google earth i cannot see them they are blank no photos ,also when i try to sign in to google earth it will not let me it goes to a page that says i have got to download a program and when i goto download that program it takes me to the google earth downloading site please help me on google earth ,it works fine on windows but there is alot of bugs on google eartgh on ubuntu linuxversion of google earth _ninjaboard/images/topic/32_alert.png, _ninjaboard/images/topic/32_info.png _ninjaboard/images/topic/32_star.png

Can someone please help,I've recently just started playing second earth and logged back into my game today but noticed it didn't save my progress,it's not giving me the option to save it either anyone having this problem and if so how do I save my progress as don't want to be having to start from the beginning every time I start playing the game thanks

Satellite view is based on NASA's beautiful Blue Marble Next Generation pictures, and shows you the earth as seen from space. The resolution isn't fantastic, though, and zooming in is often a disappointing experience.

Google Earth is used to travel any place on the earth virtually. By using google earth you can check any place on the earth on your desktop also in 3D view. You can also check surfaces of Moon, Mars etc.

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to install Google Earth on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Mint 20.

tho i was a little lost as a new linux user on what cd means from 19 to 26 instructions however without doing any of those the game ran n tho had issue with screen mode after a few attempts it let me switch with widow to window key and i was able to alter reserlution on the ingame options for my laptop screen.[RESTARTED GAME A FEW TIMES:} so i made good progress over all tho when i tryd test of online access it started switching SCREEN SIZE automatic n eventually had to shut down as everything was unworkable.

OK so BFME2 update.

I completely removed the files and folders for BFME2 and re-ran the steps from this guide here: guide

After some fiddling around it now works! ( the path should be /home//.wine/drive_c/users//Application Data/My Battle for Middle-earth™ II Files/ in the other guide. )

Longshanks66 - The "unable to find command" is a bash (or whatever command-line shell you are using) output. You usually find a compiled binary in the folder that it was compiled in. Sometimes when you download an installer/compiler it makes it's own folders, and you will usually find the compiled binary in THAT folder. IF the installer/compiler binary (unlikely though) copies the output-binary, in this case "googleearth", to /usr/bin/ or some other folder where the system usr has permissions to execute, then running "googleearth" with bash, will look in those folders and then execute it. Apparently not in this case. So. It's likely that you need to precede ./ to the command, thus: ./googleearth OR you could precede the command with /home/Longshanks66/googleearth.

We used GoogleEarth as a vis app (mainly for demos) for a number of

years here at UWS. Unfortunately the Centre for Advanced Systems

Engineering (CASE) where some of this work was done is now defunct.Attached is a photo of me in 2008 in front an 18megapixel (double that

for stereo) 3x3 tiled flat rear-projection surface (Linux based), I'm

pointing at about where I am in Sydney. So this would've been

GoogleEarth 4.3. You'll note the passive polarised glasses... which

didn't function in GE... but you know, they're cool and stuff!

Unfortunately I moved to another section of the uni shortly after this

photo was taken and didn't get a chance to bash away at stereoscopic

rendering of the GL. We had no problems with apps which were

stereo-ready, I suspect GE might have been a battle. Although, at the

time there were 3D Windows drivers for GE -

 -earth.html - which might suit

your setup.Rather than a cube CAVE I'm hoping to use the surround n-sided

LiquidGalaxy-style rig as the basis for a science-data-vis rig, with

peripheral vision coverage, portability and versatility of

applications as a goal - not quite the same scale of immersion as a

CAVE - but hopefully we can build a few of them around the campus, get

them into research centres where they can be useful for, you know,

actual research & teaching!If you're interested - at some point I'd be keen to try linking up our

two GoogleEarth/LiquidGalaxy rig views across the planet!

I've got some glue networking code we can use to send a single

viewSync stream between the rigs (either directed or multicast) and

rebroadcast it locally, so there's no issues with the long hop.

Think of it as a global virtual field trip experiment, can drag in

Skype or EVO video+audio as well.

Cheers, Andrew.eResearch Support / Uni of Western Sydney ff782bc1db

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