Mural Development: The Process


The Breath of Life  was inspired by the human connection to nature. All beings originate from nature. We have an innate connection to the Earth and all of its creatures. The Breath of Life shows this interspecies connection by exploring the rich diversity of Florida species. Every insect and plant species in the piece is native to Florida. Below are some inspiration photos:

Swamp Milkweed

Phlox genus (Jacob's Ladder)

Southern Magnolia

Florida White Butterfly

Luna Moth

Monarch Butterfly

Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly

Cloudless Sulfur Butterfly

Zebra Longwing Butterfly

Blueberry Bee

Spotted Lady Beetle

Pollinator Sketches

Zebra Longwing Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly

Blueberry Bee

Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly

Spotted Lady Beetle

Painting progress


During day 1 of our mural process, we used a projector to outline the sketch of our mural with chalk. We then filled in the outlines with coats of primer.


On day 2, we outlined the details of our mural with chalk and then began blocking in some colors with paint.


On day 3, we began filling in the skin of Mother Nature. We painted the black elements of the pollinators and finished the leaves and flowers floating in the wind. 


We finished the base color for the skin and added shadows with a darker brown. We put down paint and blended most of the pink marsh flowers.


We finished the pink marsh flowers in mother nature's hair and added salt marsh morning glory to her collar bones. 


Highlights and shadows were added to the butterfly wings and mother nature's face. We began putting down greens to fill in the foliage between pink marshes in her afro.


In order to highlight and emphasize the motion of the leaves and pollinators coming out of her mouth, we added a new route of leaves circling in the air before flowing into the original direction.


Shading details were done to the new leaves drawn as well as completion of the green filling in her hair.


We went back with the original wall paint color to fix any uneven edges or previous paint mistakes. New details of stems and small white flowers were added to the hair. Painting for the details on the hair and shading for the leaves will be continued until 12/12/23.