Undergraduate Humanities Conference - University of South Florida Humanities Institute

The murals group was thrilled to present our progress over Fall '23 at the 5th Annual Undergraduate Humanities Conference. There were over 100 presenters with varied topics including Literature, Psychology, Gender, Wartime, Women's Health, Animal Studies, Wellbeing, Power Dynamics, Film, Pedagogy, Climate Change, and more. We presented at both poster sessions on Jan 25th and Jan 26th, 2024. 

It was a wonderful experience that left the Murals Group eager to engage further with the community. We spoke with the Honors Marketing team about featuring our artists and our project in a video interview. The Breath of Life was also scouted by the curator of our local Centre Gallery, the only nonprofit, student-run art exhibition in the state of Florida. They are located on the second floor of the Marshall Center. 

We hope to spread the word about this beautiful work of art in other avenues in the community, bringing attention to the crucial native flowers and pollinators, as well as the Botanical Gardens at USF. 

A Mural Development Breath of Life.pdf