
Research supported from National Science Centre (NCN) in Kraków, Poland (project 2019/35/B/ST5/00656).

The resarch guided in the framework of the project entitled "Development of new class of fluorophores based on boron centre with tailored photophysical properties" is focused on the optimization of the photophysical properties of fluorophores. More detailed data are available in published materials (listed below).

Iglesias-Reguant A., Zielak-Milewska J., Misiaszek T., Zaleśny R., Luis J.M., Ośmiałowski B.,  Unveiling Halogen-Bonding Interactions between a Pyridine-Functionalized Fluoroborate Dye and Perfluorohaloarenes with Fluorescence Spectroscopy, J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 15159 

In the publication we have described how halogen bonding influences the photophysical properties of emitter. It turned out the lowering temperature had opposite to usual influence on emission, caused by greater complex stability when temperature was lowered. Open data LINK.

 Iglesias-Reguant A., Reis H., Medved’ M., Ośmiałowski B., Zaleśny R., Luis J.M., Decoding the infrared spectra changes upon formation of molecular complexes: the case of halogen bonding in pyridine...perfluorohaloarene complexes, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 20173

The computational model for decompoistion of the energy was used to understand the character of interaction in halogen bonded complexes.