
Code for Papers

For the programs to implement event studies, shift-share IV, and designs with endogenous exposure to exogeneous shocks, please see the Research page. Some code is posted in my GitHub repository.

Useful Stata commands written by me

reclink4.ado (by request)

Updates the reclink2 package by Wasi and Flaaen for exact and fuzzy merging of firm names and addresses. Substantially improves performance by minimizing loops. Please cite Borusyak and Jaravel (2018) if using it.


Reports the list of most frequent values of a set of variables. For example, in a dataset of counties, it can print 20 largest states (by population), their population shares in the country, and the average income per capita in all counties of each state.


Adds more functionality to the binscatter command: variable labels, robust standard errors, automatic footnotes, etc.Â