These models and drawings were created by classes 8G, 8H and 8I together with the Art teacher, Isabel Rodrigues.

Each student chose a quote from the novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus and turned it into a work of art, a unique perspective !

That's what ART is all about ! They are all extraordinary and together they tell us about the major novel events and moments.

Students decided to organise a poll and choose his/her favourite work, considering Creativity, Presentation, Material,   ...

Educação Visual

Os 60 trabalhos apresentados foram elaborados na disciplina de Educação Visual pelos alunos das turmas 8G, 8H e 8I.

Cada alun@ escolheu uma frase da obra de Mary Shelley, 'Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus' e reinterpretou-a tornando-a uma obra pessoal e única. 

Cada alun@ revela uma perspectiva singular e original!

Afinal, A R T E  é isto mesmo!

Um conjunto extraordinário que nos leva ao longo da narrativa. Os alunos decidiram organizar um questionário e escolher o trabalho preferido. Tiveram em conta elementos como Criatividade, Apresentação, Complexidade, Materiais...

Os alunos foram desafiados a reinventar as personagens de Victor e a sua criação 

Maria Leonor Pedrosa 8F
Leonor Sousa, 8F

Estes são alguns dos exemplos que nos surpreendem pela originalidade, criatividade... 

By dawn, they saw they were completely surrounded by icebergs.

His blond curly hair gave him the appearance of an angel.

A exposição só ficou pronta no final do ano

Os trabalhos mais votados serão publicados no ínicio do próximo ano 

The world is full of mysteries.

I see compassion in your eyes.

Marriage to her would bring me happiness beyond my deserts.

Victor caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Wild-eyed and pale...

I was a hideous sight, with sunken eyes and sunken lips.

Increasingly thin and pale, I was unable to sleep, unable to laugh.

I spent my time alone...working on all the time on a human body.

...and its dull yellow eyes flickered open

My eyes became wild and bloodshot.

I have been such a half-person for many months.

Her golden hair and her blue eyes so full of sensitivity and sweetness.

They pulled a man, half dead with cold, from a broken island of ice.

Could I possibly create a human life?

I set on this dangerous journey across the icy seas  to the North Pole.

"I have made a monster"! He whispered!

Three souls in perfect harmony.   

He stared in horror.

I set on this dangerous journey across the icy seas to the North Pole.

Then slowly a dull, yellow eye opened.

My wild eyes frightened him. "Oh, Henry, save me!"

The sight gave me wings to my soul and my heart swelled with something like joy.

William is dead ...

My dream exploded around me

She was dead.

It's pale yellow eyes were fixed on me.

You are terribly thin and pale.

She was dead.

During my waking hours I suffered a heavy melancholy.

I set on this dangerous journey across the icy seas to the North Pole.

You are my creator...How dare you play with life? 

 Trembling with passion, I tore the body I was creating to pieces.

I carried hell with me .

But he was face-to-face with a living corpse.

The fiend's murderous fingerprints were on her neck.

"Entirely alone, I sat and wept."

I dreamed I held Elizabeth in my arms...her lips were cold, her body lifeless.

Now, my own is the only death I seek.

He carried a pistol and a dagger...All the time.

The monster's words haunted me:"I'll be with you on your wedding night"!

I killed, but I was broken-hearted each time.

...His eyes have a wild expression, a gentle smile lights his face when he receives a kindness...

I see compassion in your eyes.

Her head was hanging down, her beautiful features half hidden by her golden hair.

"The villagers screamed and threw stones at me."

I became aware of the moon in the sky making the passage of time

"We will find a deserted corner of the Earth and never trouble mankind again".

You sound gentle and sincere...

...lived a blind old man.

"As two monsters we will have affection between us".

My eyes became wild and bloodshot.

I would need: limbs, organs, nerves, veins, a brain.

I would need: limbs, organs, nerves, veins, a brain.

A vast jolt of energy poured into his equipment, and sent a spark of life into the misshapen creature.

The world of Victor Frankenstein became a dark one.

Hernâni, 7H
Rita, 7H
Letícia, 7H