3 Books

Same story

Versão Intermediate 8 and 9th grades

Versão Pre-Intermediate 7th grade 

Frankenstein (Srs 3 US Born)_16-11-2021.pdf
Frankenstein (Lvl 6 Ladybird)_Sts.pdf

Versão Kids 5th and 6th grades


Going to Scotland passing by London

Setting of Victor's Journey - Discover the main points

The origins of Galvanism lay in the late 1700’s and is a branch of science that is still studied today under various names. So, what was it that allowed the science of Galvanism to influence Mary Shelley when she created Frankenstein and his monster? 

Mary Shelley was only five years old at the time of Galvanis's experiments performed as shows, so there was little chance of her attending. 

Two miserable characters 

The unhappy Monster

It was clear that later in life she was aware of Galvanism. She directly referenced the works of Luigi Galvani as part of the summer reading list. Her 1831 introduction to the third edition of Frankenstein specifically mentions Galvanism as the topic of conversation on the night of her ‘waking-dream’ of the monster’s creation.

Victor's journey along most European continent. Particularly Switzerland where he was born, Germany, Ingolstadt University and The United Kingdom, The Orkney Islands where Victor decides to kill his creature 

Some questions on the short story

Organising the plot summary

Scotland and The Highlands



Students had the chance to participate individually, in pairs and in groups 

Class 8E

Checking the details to organise the plot - Class 9H

Victor's Fiancée

The Monster and the Blind Man

The Monster Comes to Life

A quiz to check your understanding.

Lots of characters, cities and countries...

One BOOK, lots of PLACES ! 

Ingolsdtad University, Germany

Robert Walton, the captain and story teller