BookPals is a multidisciplinary project between six European schools, in which we are working on the topic of reading motivation and interpretation of literature, in order to seek solutions or action models to make reading and writing attractive for our students, who are growing up in a world in which technological and media literacy, creativity and a culture of innovation are becoming increasingly important. In the course of the project students will take part in a large scale of cross-curricular activities both processing and producing literary pieces using various ICT tools.


In two years, students will get involved in several activities that can draw their attention to the enjoyment and usefulness of reading as well as familiarising them with books read by their peers.

The project will enhance their basic skills and provide them with tools that they can employ to become prepared for lifelong learning. It will organize non formal language courses which will profoundly influence the way teachers and students experience their surroundings . This will be part of EU integration therefore it's highly important to get an insight each others' language.

Project activities are prepared in order to promote inclusion and equity and provide students with clear aims to prevent early school leaving and drop-out. In addition to this, all participating institution has aimed at contacting and involving many outside partner institutions as possible such as local libraries, theaters, theater groups, local television and radio stations, local newspaper and teacher training institutions.

BookPals is a cross-curricular project which involves subjects we study in school, such as Native Literature and Languages, Foreign Languages, History, Geography, Drama, Music, Art, Sports etc. We would like our students to discover the importance of the positive aspects of different cultures and ways of living and of the introduction of elements meant to promote tolerance and respect towards people who come from different cultural backgrounds. To carry out the activities envisaged in our project, teachers will learn new teaching methods, which will be put into practice.

Through seminars, and social networks, and direct contact and cooperation, teachers will exchange good practices to help them implement these methodologies at their organizations.

You can follow our work on OFFICIAL CHANNELS OF OUR PROJECT: