Students' activities

The project activities are organized based on a our jointly elaborated timetable and will be run and supervised by the project teams of the participating organizations. During the project, students complete several activities aiming at improving reading activity, their literacy skills, ICT and language competences. Teachers are attending trainning activities in order to help students with their improvement.The main work is taking place on our schools and it is visible at Twinspace and Facebook pages of our project, through video conferences and pen pals activities.

We will also organize 4 short-term student exchange programmes. There will be direct cooperation among participants aiming at presenting research findings, promoting their cultures, collaborating on mutual project products, they will take part in field trips, student workshops and presentations, and test their acquired knowledge.

Final Reading Habits Survey

Improvement is visible! YAY! <3

Thanks to all participants, this was incredible journey.

Let's hope there will be new opportunity to cooperate again!

Reading habits survey report end.pdf

Newsletter #7

Made by Turkish partner presenting the finalisation of our work, last activities, last mobilities... Lot of great memories and valuable materials; competences gained; final evaluation time begins!

7th newsletter.pdf

Documentary on mobility to Turkey

The last mobility of our project took place in Istanbul in Turkey. Host prepared numerous workshops related to ICT and various drama techics, meetings with writers, and visits to places of literature meanings and cultural heritage.

Book Covers

Students involved in this project were involved in workshops that lead them to create a book covers for set of most popular books, based of information gathered by our Book Clubs. This is a job that we have prepared as a continuation of the activity on the Book Recommender brochure and reading diary

Book Recommender Diary and Brochures

It is one of the biggest outcomes of our project, sort of notebook, reading diary which includes 24 literature works that students from each nations' team recommended each other to read, as well to wide community. Some of them belong to our nations' literature, but some of them are bestsellers, written in the present time, others are classics which attract nowadays students.


One of students involved made this nice reminder of our time and work together on Portuguese mobility.

Digital Storytelling

This is the activity that arose from Library in photos and Scavenger hunt activities. Instructions can be found in Survival kit Portuguese partner prepared for those activities.

Digital stories are made during the mobility by international teams conducted of both students and teachers from 6 different nations

Newsletter #5

Collecting and presenting project work done between mobilities to Croatia and Portugal, as well as presenting all the local activities.

BookPals Newsletter #5 HR.pdf


The topic of this one was bildungsroman and sources from which students get tips about books worth reading. What's more, they talked about their everyday life and the upcoming mobility to Portugal.


As a part of our our pen pals activity, students created dashboards using web tools, where they could exchange greetings, customs, recipes, photos of their schools and homes for Christmas time.



We have held our 4th video conference in December, before Christmas. This time we have worked in the following pairs: Croatia - Portugal, Hungary - Turkey, Poland- Cyprus

The topic of the conference was Christmas. We presented a text from our national literature about Christmas, read it in the original if it is a poem or read a relevant fragment if it is a short story or a novel. Then we were talking to our partners about it.

We also presented some vocabulary connected with Christmas in our mother tongue, played a Christmas carol in the mother tongue and talked about Christmas customs.

We quite enjoyed ourselves!



For the second time students had the opportunity to join the reading and translating competition, in order to compare their English to others, compare their skills of reading with understanding, and earn valuable prizes.

This time the topic was comic. Percy Jackson is the narrator of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, a fictional character. Its development began when Rick Riordan started inventing stories for his son. The child, who had been studying Greek mythology, asked his father to tell him bedtime stories based on those myths.


After the fourth mobility this video was created by one of involved students, to share online and disseminate our work and results made during the mobility to Požega, Croatia.


On the Croatian mobility students had unique opportunity to work with two local artists. They jointly created showbill for Good Morning Teacher play, illustrated Charles Baudelaire's poetry, and they tried to write in calligraphy, drawing the letters of the old Croatian letter Glagolitic using ink and painting pen.


During the spring 2017 we chose and adjusted a play to prepare for the mobility in Croatia.

Since we have come across the theme of Odyssey throughout the first year of the project, as sources of European literature, we have also chosen a drama which refers to Homer. It is David Lundquist's drama Good Morning Teacher.

After selecting the actors for our international play, we started with learning of complex text in English and preparing performance in mixed international settings. The performances were performed in the form of competitions during the mobility in Croatia in October 2017, in the local theater in front of the real audience, at an event attended by numerous media and guests from other schools.

It was demanding job, but gave us great pleasure. Here's the impression of one of involved students:

"I can't believe this week has ended, I have met such good people and made really strong friendships! After this week full of 'love, joy, satisfaction' (😜), I want to thank you all for making this an unforgettable experience ☺ Hvala to the Croatian people for hosting us and making us feel at home! I will miss you all!"

Videos of performances are available on this Youtube channel.


Newsletter #4

Created by Cypriot team, presenting the work done on the mobility to Cyprus and the term before mobility to Croatia. Lot's of work done in preparing our international play, no matter it was summer time!


This time we talked about preparations for our international play, exchanging ideas and impressions. It helped us relax a bit because this job was quite stressful for students involved, thinking about if preparations in their teams are up to expected level.

This time Poland talked to Hungary, Turkey to Croatia and Portugal to Cyprus.

newsletter BP3.pdf


Created by Poland partner students, gathering and presenting the work done in the third term: first video conferences and pen pals contacts, editing and finishing picture books and posters, mobility to Poland, etc.



In the third term of our project we prepared a set of presentation of our final products and the work done in previous months. It's presented in school libraries, on literary corners, teachers' chambers of our schools, on extra curricular classes, on special cultural events in our towns, in other secondary or elementary schools in the town/county, and it is the work that will be countinuated in the second term of our project. After overcoming the initial treme, the students quite enjoyed the presentation of their work, expressing the pride and desire for additional teamwork.

The aim of this activity is developing students' oral expression and public speaking and ability to lead workshops and presentations.


The second topic of our video conferences was Odissey. The theme has emerged during the work, since it is common base to all the literatures involved in the project, and represents a fundamental civilization work. Students showed to their colleagues on the other side of the screen the works done previously in classes.


This was the first one, of three which will be held during two years of our project. The main aim is to compare students' English to others.

In order to keep the thematic coherence of the project, for the first competition it was chosen a text and a video about the Greek mythology and Odysseus, a recurrent theme in European literature.

The participants in the contest had to: translate a saying into their own language; understand a written and an oral text; pay a special attention to the pronunciation of specific phonemes.

The competition was open to all students in all partner schools, the participants could answer individually or in teams during the fist week of May. 130 students joined it. There was a winner per country, each school decides how to award its winning student.

Link to the first reading and translating competition is just below:


After the second mobility this video was created to share online and disseminate the work, experiences and learnings done during the mobility to Lubartow in Poland.



The second newsletter of our project, presented by the Hungarian students, summarize the activities of the second term our project: activities, and of course the first mobility, which they hosted in December 2016.


We matched all the students in classes where the project is implemented in pairs, so the students contacted their pals talking about different topics pre-established. They attached photographs, videos, links, and talk about simple topics, like what are they reading right now, who are the members of their book club, presenting their families, schools, towns... At the end, the formal email situation changed into an informal email exchange, or contacting on Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber. Students started to communicate with others for the sake of knowing new people. The formal and controlled situation gave place to an activity which helped them practice English on their own without the interaction of a teacher.


During our project we held different video conferences with the rest of the schools. Scheduled to be held during the same days, each pair of countries decided day and time and students spoke about topics we are working on in that particular term. On the first video conference we talked about our origins. The purposes of this activity are to communicate, practice English and have fun, develop awareness of the European affiliation, realize the most of literary topics were so common in the different countries (lifestyle). We also describe each other of countries, counties and hometowns, etc.


During our mobility to Budapest, as one of the activities to be done during mobilities, we filmed the TV documentaries about the activities carried out during the week.


They are the products of studying our origins, the main job in the first year of BookPals project. Students read proposed myths and create picture books, posters, short movies, photo stories and comics with the help of ICT tools to illustrate those literature works.

Those we will present to other schools in our counties and/or libraries, and to each partner school, during the continuance of this project.

The first step of the work was to read and prepare presentations of their nations' origins, which students presented on the Hungarian mobility. Partner schools presented numerous outcomes of very high quality.

The second step needed to be done since the second mobility (Poland). Outcomes had to be developed, completed and published, and presented in Lubartow.

The third step is presentation of that work to other schools in our counties and/or libraries, and to each partner school, during the continuance of this project. The aim is to develop soft skills of our students: to get them well prepared and publicly TALK about the work done. LEAD workshops, ORGANIZE pear-to-pear learning, etc.


One of the activities of our Erasmus+ project is the Students’ Newsletter, which is published every three months and it is written by a different country each issue. The Croatian team was in charge of writing and designing the first newsletter, which has just been published. It is presenting our work done in the first term. The main objective of these newsletters is that students know what the project is dealing with at that moment.



Turkish an Croatian partner established Twinspace project on teachers' social network eTwinning. After it was approved, all the other partners in this project have been plugged it, as well as some students. Twinspace is the place every partner will disseminate all our results and incomes, in other to make our work accessible to other educators in Europe.


One of the first activities we have carried out was the choice of our logo. Students were motivated to work on it, in order to get familiar with the project idea and, through online voting, they had an opportunity to meet students from other partner countries online.

The competition was opened to all school students. Any technique could be used: crayons, felt pens, ink, paint, collage, photography, computer... It was noted in instructions that logo must be a personal creation.

Students, teachers and parents could vote online in the common Facebook group among the logos selected by each school. They should vote by "likes" and they could vote for more than one logo - but only the logos of the other countries, not the logos of their own country.

Each country chose three logos and we gathered 18 logos to vote for on our common Facebook page.

The winner of the International contest was Ioanna Charalambous, from Cyprus, who made this beautiful and creative art work. Later it was "refreshed" using ICT tools, and that appearance we are using in all our documents.

All proposals and voting process are visible following this link to Facebook.

Survey report beginning.pdf


At the beginning of our project we conducted a survey about reading habits of our students, prepared by Portuguese partner librarian.

Each partner school carried it out to check ones more our students habits, preferences and motivation to read.

We were actually quite surprised with the results, it seams our students do like to read, and a project like this is something they enjoy a lot.

Similar survey will be done by the end of the project.


Apart from our International (official) Facebook account in English, local Facebook pages were opened in order to disseminate our project in the local area (students, teachers, parents, community).

Our local Facebook pages are places where you can find news, videos and photo galleries of all local events participants of this project were involved in. These are the links:


To get connected, we created the international Facebook account, edited in English so that teachers, parents and students alike could get informed about the progress of the project.