Entering the Divine Will

LDC, volume 18, November 22, 1925

At daybreak, you said to me: "May my spirit awaken in your Divine Will and cover with your Will all the intelligences of creatures so that they may awaken in your Will. In the name of all, I present to you their adoration, their love and their submission." Then a celestial dew issued from my Will spread over all creatures, bringing to each the grace obtained by your act.


LDC, volume 18, November 9, 1925

"My daughter, begin by merging yourself in my Will and there, present yourself before the Supreme Majesty by bringing back to him all the human wills, then, with the help of my Will, make reparation for all the acts of the human wills opposed to my wish.


Book of Heaven, Volume 17, August 2, 1925

I prayed and merged myself in the holy Divine Will.

I wanted to circulate everywhere, including in Heaven, to find the supreme "I love you" which is subject to no interruption. I wanted to make it mine so that I too could have an uninterrupted "I love you" that could echo the eternal "I love you", and also so that, possessing within myself the source of true " I love you", I may have an "I love you" for each and every one, for every movement, every act, every breath and every heartbeat of creatures, as well as for every "I love you" of Jesus himself.

When I felt like I had reached the bosom of the Eternal, I made their "I love you" my own and began to repeat it everywhere and on everything for my supreme Lord. ...

Jesus said to me, “What are you saying? You wonder what this "I love you" has special for me? My daughter, the "I love you" is everything! The "I love you" is love, veneration, esteem, heroism, sacrifice and trust towards the one to whom it is intended; it is his possession. The "I love you" is a short sentence, but it weighs as much as eternity! The "I love you" embraces everything and everyone, it spreads everywhere, contracts, rises to the heights, descends to the depths, is printed everywhere, never stops.


LDC, volume 17, May 10, 1925Various ways for Luisa to merge in the Divine Will.

LDC, volume 17, May 17, 1925Another way for Luisa to merge into the Divine Will.


LDC, volume 17, October 6, 1924

I (Luisa) replied to Jesus:

“Tell me, my Love, how often does your Will make its rounds in all creatures?”

He answered me: “My daughter, with each beat of the heart of the creature, my Will makes its complete tour in all creation. Just as the beating of the creature's heart is continuous — to the point that if the heart stops beating, life ceases — so, in order to give divine life to the creature, my Will continually circulates and throbs in each heart. My Will is in the creature as the first palpitation; those of the creature come second. If the heart of the creature beats, it is by virtue of the palpitations of my Will. Even more, my Will forms in the creature two heartbeats: one for the life of his body and the other for the life of his soul.

LDC, volume 16, September 6, 1923

I (Luisa) said to him:

"My Jesus, in your Will, I unite my thoughts to yours and, as your thoughts circulate in all created intelligences, I want each thought of creatures to draw from your thoughts the love that is in your intelligence, so as to place every thought of creatures in the flight of love.


LDC, volume 12, December 6, 1919

One evening, I adored my crucified Jesus by saying to him: “My Love, in your Will and in the name of the whole human family, I adore you, I hold you in my arms and I make amends. I give your Wounds and your Blood to all so that all may be saved. And since the lost souls can no longer take advantage of your very precious Blood and love you, I do it in their place. I do not want your Love to be defrauded by creatures in any way. I want to love you and compensate on behalf of all, from the first man to the last."

While I was saying this and many other things, my sweet Jesus stretched his arms around my neck and hugged me saying: “My daughter, echo of my life, while you were praying, my mercy revived and my justice lost its severity. And that, not only for the present time, but also for the times to come: your prayers in my Will will remain active. I have felt your love on behalf of lost souls and, as a result, my Heart has felt a special tenderness towards you. Finding in you the love that these souls owe me, I poured out to you the graces that I had planned for them.”

LDC, volume 12, December 18, 1920 (prayer of thanksgiving)

“My sweet Jesus, while I am very close to you, I want to show you my love, my gratitude and give you all that creatures owe you for having created our Immaculate Queen Mother, the most beautiful, the holiest, the having enriched with all the gifts and having made her our Mother. 

I offer you this prayer of thanksgiving in the name of all creatures past, present and future. I want to take hold of every action, every word, every thought, every heartbeat and every step of creatures and, by each, tell you in the name of all that I love you, thank you, bless you and adore you. for all that you have done in your celestial Mother and ours.”

Jesus was very pleased with my prayer. He said to me, “Daughter, I have been looking forward to this prayer on behalf of all generations. My justice and my Love felt the need for this return, because the graces that descend on everyone through my dear Mother are very great. And I was never given a word, a thank you about it.”

LDC, volume 12, May 21, 1919 (prayer suggested by Jesus to Luisa)

“And to you whom I call to live in my Will, I suggest the following prayer: “Jesus, I lay at your feet the adoration and subjection of the whole human family; I deposit in your Heart the “I love you” of all; I deposit on your lips my kiss to seal there the kisses of all the creatures of all the generations; I hug you so that you are hugged by the arms of all creatures of all generations. I want the glory of all the works of all creatures to come to you.” Following this prayer, I will feel in you the adoration, the “I love you”, the kisses, etc. of the whole human family. How then can you not give yourself the love, the kisses and the graces provided for others!