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Spain hasn't undergone an overhaul, it has just gone further beyond. Playing as the New Spain will feel very similar to the old, only now with stronger bonuses that synergize with existing modifyers to solidify them as the premier Civ for colonization and a contender for some of the best trade yields in the game. These new bonuses will help Spain amass armys, defend their faith and get new cities established quickly to pursue a multitude of victory paths.

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Trade routes receive +3 Gold, +2 Faith, and +1 Production. Trade routes between multiple continents receive triple these numbers. Previously the bonus read as "Trade Routes between multiple continents receive bonus gold (+6) for routes to other civilizations, and bonus food (+1) and production (+1) for routes between your own cities."

One of Spain's biggest weaknesses was that they never received any bonuses from the outset of the game. The change to their trade routes help to ameliorate their average start. The text language doesn't specify whether the bonus yields apply to only domestic or international trade routes. So in absence of more evidence I'm going to assume it applies to both.

For Spain this means that the value per trader is much higher than it was before. The yields of +3 Gold, + 2 Faith and +1 Production are probably applied in addition to the base yield of the trade route. In average scenarios, trading with a foreign city would net the player +6 Gold before any modifiers are applied. If you prefer to utilize traders for domestic purposes, the gold bonus ensures that you aren't missing out on as much income as you would have received otherwise. The Caravansaries policy card also synergizes well to add additional value to domestic and foreign trade route for +5 and +8 gold respectably.

In the ideal scenario Spain will spawn near a continent split, find a foreign city, build a trader and subsequently generate +12 Gold, + 6 Faith and +3 Production per turn. Alternatively settling a second city on a foreign continent and trading domestically would net you comparable yields. The +3 production is most useful early on and goes even further in new cities with Spain's new 25% production bonus to districts in cities settled on foreign continents.

Spain essentially receives the Ancestral Hall building for free and something similar to, but better than the City Patron Goddess pantheon, however these effects only apply to cities settled on continents that don't also contain Spain's capital. Colonial settlements receive a free builder and are granted a +25% production bonus to building districts. It isn't stated either way, but I believe this production bonus applies towards every district built and not just the first. Depending on the map type, finding suitable settlement locations will range from easy to impossible. For this reason selecting the Terra or Continents and Islands map scripts would allow Spain to make the most out of these benefits throughout the span of the game.

Choosing the Hic Sunt Dracones golden/heroic age dedication will allow you to pre-emptively place two districts in new cities. And by also exploiting the actual City Patron Goddess pantheon, Spain may be able to utilize the 50% production bonus on two districts if the player is able to swap the production to another district before the first one is completed.

Missions themselves have been woefully underrated since their last buffs. On foreign continents they add +4 Faith, +1 Food and +1 Production to their tiles. In addition to the 4 Faith, Flat Grasslands become 3 Food, 1 Production tiles and Flat Plains become 2 Food and 2 Production tiles. Missions also grant +1 Science if build adjacent to a Campus or Holy Site, and +2 Science if adjacent to both. Missions later grant and additional +2 Science once Cultural Heritage is unlocked. As Spain the player will want to build Campuses and Holy Sites in colonial cities and surround those districts with Missions. This has been a strategy since the outset of the game but the new free builder and the bonus to district production means that you'll be spending less time and resources getting these new cities up and running. A 6 pop city working 6 of these Mission tiles will net that city an average of 15 Food, 9 Production, 12 Science and 24 faith, not including yields from districts or additional modifiers from wonders or policy cards.

Spain hasn't undergone a drastic redesign. They are the same Civilization the game launched with albeit now with a more consistent utilitarian bonus and a few very powerful situational bonuses. From the start of the game, building a trader and founding a religion will be top priorities. From there finding a foreign continent to conquer or colonize will set up the next phase of Spain's game plan as they found new cities, build districts and watch their science, faith and gold yields explode. To do so they can utilize Conquistadors and Armadas to dominate heretics or be the first to discover unknown landmasses with the appropriate map type.

The new world will be a blank canvass to go towards whatever victory type they prefer. A Religious or Domination Victory go hand in hand as Spain, but a move towards Science with the mission yields and bonus to Spaceport production makes the Space Race a viable path as well. Twenty traders originating from a colonial city with a Spaceport can easily surpass +200 production per turn. Lastly while possessing no bonuses to a cultural victory anything is possible if you conquer half the globe. Naturalists and Rock Bands won't be as expensive either for a civ generating +300 faith a turn from Trade Routes, Holy Sites and Missions.

They're the same civ they were before with the same shortcomings, but with more powerful abilities to make up for their faulty start. Improved trade routes that will make surviving past the ancient and classical era less of a headache than it previously was and will continue to demonstrate their value throughout the entirety of the game. The free builder and district production bonus will mean that Spain will spend less time and resources investing in a colonial presence. And if you opt to go the domination route instead, trade routes should generated enough of the gold and production prerequisites necessary to build and purchase Conquistadors and Armadas. The +5 combat strength and religious unit adjacency changes will extend the viability of Conquistadors further and with fewer religious units necessary to accompany them. 006ab0faaa

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