AP Calculus BC
Welcome to Distance Learning
I miss you all very much. Even though this is not ideal, I am fully committed to supporting you through distance learning. My first priority is your well being. My second priority is your education. Thankfully before school closed we finished learning new material. Our task now is to review for the AP Exam (May 12th at 11am). After the AP Exam, we fill focus on extending your learning and grade improvement.
Note: I will be asking you to work quite hard for the next 3 weeks. After the AP Exam, I will be giving substantially less work.
Click here for more info on how the 2020 AP Exam will work
Click here for the Distance Learning Weekly Schedule
Distance Learning Weeks 5 and 6 (5/18-5/29)
I'm going to keep weeks 5 and 6 really light. We are going to do a little review of Convergence of Series & Taylor Series. These are important topics for those of you continuing with math in college. For the next two weeks, there will only be 3 assignments to turn in. If you have missing assignments from previous weeks, please turn those in via Jupiter as soon as possible.
Formula Sheet: Infinite Series Convergence Tests
Week 5 Live Session 1
- P5 Tue 12p - Go to meet.google.com and use meeting nickname "chan5bc"
- Week 5 Assignment 1 - Convergence & Divergence (Turn in via Jupiter)
Week 5 Live Session 2
- P5 Thu 12p - Go to meet.google.com and use meeting nickname "chan5bc"
- Week 5 Assignment 2 - Convergence Sudoku (Turn in via Jupiter)
Week 6 Live Session - Final Session (Celebrate & Say Goodbye)
- Week 6 Assignment 1 - Taylor Series
- P5 Thu 12p - Go to meet.google.com and use meeting nickname "chan5bc"
Distance Learning Week #4 (5/11-5/15)
Optional Live Sessions
- AB Practice Session - Monday 5/11 at 10:00am
- We went over the following FRQs: AB1 and AB2
- Note: The answer key for AB2 part (d) has a mistake in it. f'' is greater than zero not less than zero. So f' is increasing not decreasing. My video solution contains the correction. Also, for that question, I decided to approximate f(2) instead of f(0). If you are confused, just watch my video solution below.
- If you were not able to attend, you can watch the following videos:
- We went over the following FRQs: AB1 and AB2
- BC Practice Session - Monday 5/11 at 11:15am
AP Exam on Tuesday May 12th at 11am (Pacific Time)
Distance Learning Week #3 (5/4-5/8)
Daily Mixed Reviews
- DMR Monday 5/4
- DMR Tuesday 5/5
- DMR Wednesday 5/6
- DMR Thursday 5/7
- DMR Friday 5/8
- Turn in all DMRs via Jupiter
DMR Help Videos
Thematic Sessions
Differential Equations & Euler's Method
- Week 3 Live Session 1
- Wk 3 Assignment 1 Differential Equation & Euler's Method FRQs (Turn in via Jupiter)
Particle Motion
- Week 3 Live Session 2: Thu 12p
- Wk 3 Assignment 2 Big 10 Particle Motion (Turn in via Jupiter)
- Wk 3 Assignment 3 Particle Motion FRQs (Turn in via Jupiter)
Optional Live Sessions Next Monday (5/11)
- AB Practice Session - 10:00am
- Go to meet.google.com and use the meeting nickname: "chanreviewab"
- BC Practice Session - 11:15am
- Go to meet.google.com and use the meeting nickname: "chanreviewbc"
Optional Videos
Distance Learning Week #2 (4/27-5/1)
Daily Mixed Reviews
- DMR Monday 4/27
- DMR Tuesday 4/28
- DMR Wednesday 4/29
- DMR Thursday 4/30
- DMR Friday 5/1
- Turn in all DMRs via Jupiter
DMR Help Videos
Thematic Sessions
Integration Techniques
- Wk 2 Assignment 1 Review of Integration Techniques (Turn in via Jupiter)
- Wk 2 Assignment 2 Integration FRQs (Turn in via Jupiter)
- Week 2 Live Session 1
- During this session we went over a few parts of Wk 2 Assignment 2 Integration FRQs
- If you were unable to attend you can watch the following videos
Infinite Series
- Week 2 Live Session 2
- During this session we went over a few parts of Wk 2 Assignment 4 Series FRQs
- If you were unable to attend you can watch the following videos
- Infinite Series Abbreviated Summary Sheet
- Wk 2 Assignment 3 Review of Infinite Series (Turn in via Jupiter)
- Wk 2 Assignment 4 Series FRQs (Turn in via Jupiter)
Distance Learning Week #1 (4/20-4/24)
Daily Mixed Reviews
- DMR Monday 4/20
- DMR Tuesday 4/21
- DMR Wednesday 4/22
- DMR Thursday 4/23
- DMR Friday 4/24
- Turn in all DMRs via Jupiter
Thematic Sessions
Contextual FRQs (Equations and Tables)
- Week 1 Live Session 1
- During this session we went over Mock Exam FRQ1 and Mock Exam FRQ4
- If you weren't able to attend you can watch the following videos:
- Wk 1 Assignment 1 Practice FRQs 2015 #1 & 2013 #1 (Turn in via Jupiter)
- Wk 1 Assignment 2 Practice FRQs 2016 #1 & 2013 #3 (Turn in via Jupiter)
Derivative Analysis and Graph Analysis
- Week 1 Live Session 2
- During this session we went over Mock Exam FRQ 3 and Practice FRQ 2014 #3
- If you weren't able to attend you can watch the following videos:
- Wk 1 Assignment 3 Practie FRQs 2013 #4 & 2012 #3 (Turn in via Jupiter)
- Wk 1 Assignment 4 Big 10 F Prime Analysis (Turn in via Jupiter)
Pre-Quarantine Posts Below
What should we be doing now until distance learning officially starts on April 20th?
These first two weeks are for teachers to train and plan for distance learning. We are not allowed to assign mandatory work until April 20th. Here's is what you can work on in the mean time.
- You can turn in missing assignments. All old assignments can be turned in via Jupiter. Click on the assignment in Jupiter and you will see an option for uploading pictures of your work.
- Khan Academy Extra Credit. I want you all to keep practicing calculus, but I'm not allowed to assign mandatory work. So I have decided to extend the deadline for the Khan Academy Extra Credit to April 20th. Also, I have decided to remove the requirement for doing consecutive days. So you can earn the maximum of 140 points by spending at least 30 minutes doing Khan Academy for at least 14 days. Remember, to challenge yourself. Don't just do easy stuff. Choose stuff that you need to review. Also, you don't have to stop after you have completed 14 days. The more practice the better!
Friday 3/13/2020
Thursday 3/12/2020
Thursday 3/5/2020 - Wednesday 3/11/2020
- Mock AP Exam
Wednesday 3/4/2020
- Unit 17 Test Today
Tuesday 3/3/2020
Monday 3/2/2020
Friday 2/28/2020
Thursday 2/27/2020
Wednesday 2/26/2020
Tuesday 2/25/2020
Monday 2/24/2020
Friday 2/21/2020
Thursday 2/20/2020
- Finish 17.06 if you did not finish it in class
- 17.07 Common Maclaurin Series
Wednesday 2/19/2020
- 17.06 Taylor & Maclaurin Polynomials
- For today, you only need to complete problems 4-6
Tuesday 2/18/2020
Wednesday 2/12/2020 and Thursday 2/13/2020
Tuesday 2/11/2020
- 17.03 Power Series of Rational Functions
- You can skip problems 5 and 6. We'll do those together in class.
Monday 2/10/2020
Friday 2/7/2020
Thursday 2/6/2020
- Polar Test Today
Wednesday 2/5/2020
- Review Day
Tuesday 2/4/2020
Monday 2/3/2020
Friday 1/31/2020
Thursday 1/30/2020
Wednesday 1/29/2020
Tuesday 1/28/2020
Monday 1/27/2020
Friday 1/24/2020
Thursday 1/23/2020
Wednesday 1/22/2020
Tuesday 1/21/2020
Friday 1/17/2020
Thursday 1/16/2020
Wednesday 1/15/2020
Monday 12/16/2019
Friday 12/13/2019
Thursday 12/12/2019
Wednesday 12/11/2019
Tuesday 12/10/2019
Monday 12/9/2019
- Infinite Series Test Today
Friday 12/6/2019
- Unit Review Assignment #3
- Infinite Series Test on Monday!
Thursday 12/5/2019
Wednesday 12/4/2019
Tuesday 12/3/2019
Monday 12/2/2019
Thursday 11/21/2019 and Friday 11/22/2019
- Watch the following video: Root Test for Series
- Assignment: 15.14 Root Test
Wednesday 11/20/2019
Tuesday 11/19/2019
Monday 11/18/2019
Friday 11/15/2019
Thursday 11/14/2019
- Infinite Series Quiz Today
Wednesday 11/13/2019
Tuesday 11/12/2019
Friday 11/8/2019
Wednesday 11/6/2019
Tuesday 11/5/2019
Monday 11/4/2019
Friday 11/1/2019
Thursday 10/31/2019
Wednesday 10/30/2019
Tuesday 10/29/2019
Monday 10/28/2019
Friday 10/25/2019
- Unit 14 Test
Wednesday 10/23/2019 and Thursday 10/24/2019
Monday 10/21/2019 and Tuesday 10/22/2019
Thursday 10/17/2019 and Friday 10/18/2019
Tuesday 10/15/2019
Monday 10/14/2019
Friday 10/11/2019
Thursday 10/10/2019
Wednesday 10/9/2019
Friday 9/20/2019
- Have a wonderful fall break!
Thursday 9/19/2019
- Unit 13 Quiz Today
Wednesday 9/18/2019
Tuesday 9/17/2019
Monday 9/16/2019
Friday 9/13/2019
- Happy Homecoming Weekend!
- 13.05 Euler's Method FRQs
Thursday 9/12/2019
Wednesday 9/11/2019
- 13.03 In Class FRQs
- 13.03 Differential Equations HW
- Turn in both together!
Tuesday 9/10/2019
Monday 9/9/2019
Thursday 9/5/2019
Wednesday 9/4/2019
Tuesday 9/3/2019
- Integration Test Today
Friday 8/30/2019
- 12.13 Trig Substitution (Due Wednesday)
- Integration Test on Tuesday
Thursday 8/29/2019
Wednesday 8/28/2019
Tuesday 8/27/2019
Monday 8/26/2019
Friday 8/23/2019
Thursday 8/22/2019
Wednesday 8/21/2019
Tuesday 8/20/2019
Monday 8/19/2019
Friday 8/16/2019
Thursday 8/15/2019
Wednesday 8/14/2019
Tuesday 8/13/2019
Monday 8/12/2019
Friday 8/9/2019
Thursday 8/8/2019
- Unit 11 Quiz today
Wednesday 8/7/2019
- Keep working on the Unit 11 Review Assignment
- Quiz Tomorrow
Tuesday 8/6/2019
- Unit 11 Review Assignment
- Unit 11 Quiz will be on Thursday 8/8/2019
Monday 8/5/2019
Friday 8/2/2019
Thursday 8/1/2019
Wednesday 7/31/2019
- In Class: Integration Quizizz
- Assignment 11.07 Integration Review
Tuesday 7/30/2019
- In Class Lesson: Indeterminate Differences & Indeterminate Exponentials
- Assignment 11.06 L'Hopital's Rule 2
Monday 7/29/2019
- In Class Lesson: L'hopital's Rule, Indeterminate Products
- Assignment 11.05 L'Hopital's Rule
Friday 7/26/2019
Thursday 7/25/2019
Wednesday 7/24/2019
Tuesday 7/23/2019
- In Class: Review of Derivatives Quizizz
- Assignment 11.01 Review of Derivatives
Monday 7/22/2019
- Welcome to Mr. Chan's Class
- Student Info Collection Form
- Parent Info Collection Form