Richard Gill All-stars sat 18th Nov 2023 3pm - stanmore LIbrarY

The Richard Gill All-stars grew out of a scratch band Paul Goodchild put together to play outside Richard's house on the day before he died. 

Bondi Brass has kept the spirit of Richard alive by performing, along with their many friends, as the Richard Gill All-stars at the Stanmore Festival of Music. This year, we have the additional duty of honouring Paul Goodchild, who passed way in March.

If you are interested in joining the Richard Gill All-stars at Stanmore on Saturday 18th November  2023 , arrive 3pm ( start at 3:45)   please fill out your contact details at the following link or click the button below:

If you have any issues filling out the form contact us at or phone Pat Devery on 0417 664 472