The Golden Rule

Cribbed from Uxbridge MA league. Thanks Rob!

THE GOLDEN RULE: Sportsmanship matters more than winning. We are gathering to enjoy our time together and share our love of Blood Bowl.

The Basics

This leage is going to be using the BB2020 Ruleset, as contained in the Official Rules rulebook for Blood Bowl. If you do not have a rulebook, you 100% want to get one. We are playing the standard 11v11 format.

Coach refers to a human being that is coaching a Blood Bowl team.

Player refers to miniatures that are players on a Blood Bowl team.

If at any point you have questions, please ask one of the commissioners or on Discord and people will be happy to help.

Ruleset (vs Alternative Rules)

Unless otherwise specified, we will be using the standard ruleset as contained in the Official Rules rulebook.

(When in doubt, ask a comissioner!)


Blood Bowl has a lot of inducements.

Unless specifically prohibited, coaches can take inducements (including star players) from official GW-published supplements for BB2020. This can include the Death Zone rulebook, Spike Magazine, etc.

Prohibited Inducements:

  • Alternative referee rules (from White Dwarf)

  • Side bets

  • Inducements marked as 'league optional' (e.g. special footballs from Death Zone)

(When in doubt, ask a comissioner!)

Named Inducements

If two coaches take the same named inducement (including star players, coaching staff, etc) during a match... then surprise! The named inducement has duped both teams into hiring them at the same time! The money for the inducement is spent but neither team will get to use this inducement during the game due to loopholes in the conovoluted contract.

Displaying Skills on Miniatures

As team players develop, they can take on additional skills (or characteristics). Coaches should indicate what additional skills their players have. Some ways to do this:

Declaring Moves

To make things easier for everyone, when a coach has a player takes an action, that coach should typically:

  1. Declare and point to the player that's taking an action

  2. Make sure the opposing coach sees and understands what's happening.

  3. Declare what action

  4. Declare additional details

For example:

"Ok, so my Wight's [points at Wight] is now gonna move..."

[Thinking about where to move, tracing path, moving piece, etc....]


"Alrighty, this mummy [points at mummy] is gonna throw a block onto your catcher [points at catcher]."

Take a teeny tiny pause to make sure that the opposing coach is paying attention. This also gives them a chance to call out anything you missed.

[Dice are rolled]

Taking Back Moves

Once dice are rolled, you can't take back moves, unless there was a clear misunderstanding of rules (or skill-based dice rolls that should've happened), and the other coach explicitly agrees.

Player Skills and Skill Rolls

It is up to each coach to enforce the skills and skill rolls for their player, if the opposing coach forgets.

When in doubt, ask! :-)

Some examples below. Bob has a Nurgle bloater. Jim has an Undead mummy.

  1. Jim declares a 2die block on Bob's Bloater and rolls for it, but forgets (or otherwise didn't) to first roll for disturbing presence (and doesn't ask Bob). Bob realizes this after the 2die block dice have been thrown. Bob is allowed to ask Jim to go back and roll for disturbing presence.

    If Jim's roll succeeds then he is free to continue from where he was, since no further dice have been rolled.

  2. Jim declares a 2die block on Bob's Bloater and rolls for it, but forgets (or otherwise didn't) to first roll for disturbing presence (and doesn't ask Bob). He gets two POW's (nice!) and then rolls for armor, breaks it, and then throws other blocks. Bob only realizes that disturbing presence wasn't rolled later in the round. Sorry Bob, too late.

The best mitigation for this is to clearly declare actions and don't suddenly start rushing.

Blood Bowl Miniatures

Blood Bowl is a very well established game with lots and lots of teams*. Some of them aren't being actively made by GW. Some people kitbash. Some people use third party models.

Any representative miniature works from any maker as long as they

  • Are no bigger than 32mm scale (and therefore fit on the pitch!)

  • Relatively show the player type.

    • e.g. Converted Warhammer dwarves for your BB dwarven team, with distinctions for what the player types (troll slayers, linemen, blitzers, and runners) are? Sure!

    • e.g. Converted Mushroom figures to act as your BB dwarven team, with clear distinctions for what the player types (troll slayers, linemen, blitzers, and runners) are? Sure!

  • Don't have the same player type being used to represent multiple player types without additional indicators.

    • e.g. No saying "actually one of my goblin linemen on my team that looks like all my other goblin linemen, is actually a looney". Just convert or mark him in a really clear way that he's something else.


Third party minis are totally legit! There is a thriving 'fantasy football' miniature industry since GW doesn't even officially produce all the teams it has rules for. While typically a more expensive than GW, there are some really pretty minis out there..

Scheduling Matches

Matches will have a window of time that they are to be played in. Coaches should agree upon the day and time they'll be at Battleground Games to play their matches.

Please use discord for scheduling matches. Either private messages or the scheduling thread is fine for the back-and-forth scheduling of the matches. Once a time for a match is agreed, one of the schedulers please:

  • Post in the scheduling channel when you guys will be playing (people like to schedule games when others are happening).

  • Put the date/time into Tourplay (see Tourplay help).

Rescheduling Matches

Rules adapted from the Battle Brothers League in Wisconsin. Thanks Willie!

Life happens, and sometimes we need to reschedule. However to respect everyone's time, there may be penalties depending on how late the resecheduling happens. These rules may change later.

Rescheduling at least 12 hours ahead of time for a match

  • No penalty.

If the team that gets rescheduled on can't make a later time during the round

  • The team that prompted the reschedule forfeits the match.


If you get No-Show'd, please contact the comissioner ASAP.

It's a matter of respecting one another's time.

Please understand that there are no hard feelings, but Blood Bowl is a 2(+) player game. People have lives, families, children, pets, etc, that they schedule around in order to be able to play a fun tabletop game. Confidence in being able to play scheduled matches is one of the most important things in this league.

If someone no-shows then the coach that no-showed needs to have a conversation with comissioner either in person or over the phone (COVID).

After the live review, then the league will do one of three options:

  • The no-showing coach continues playing in the scheduled season matches.

  • The no-showing coach withdraws from scheduled "league" matches but is still welcome (and encouraged!) to schedule bonus matches on their own. Revisit during next season redraft- we want everyone in the league to be able to play but understand that sometimes our schedules don't allow it.

  • The no-showing coach takes a break from the league.

Sometimes life happens but sometimes we're just not in a position to be able to make scheduled matches. And that's ok. But we need to sit down and talk about it.

Additionally, a No-Show is an automatic forfeit. In other words, if someone schedules a match but doesn't show up without trying to reschedule.


If a team is declared as 'Forfeiting', then the following happens:

If the game has already started, then follow normal Blood Bowl 'concede' rules on page 67 of the rulebook.

If the game has not yet started (for example, a no show):

  • The team that showed up wins, gets 2 MVP (pick 3).

  • Forfeiting team does not get an MVP or gold piece winnings.

  • Forfeiting coach will need to review what happened with the league comissioner. Sometimes life just happens.

  • Forfeiting team loses 1k dedicated fans (down to minimum of 1).