Boise High Boosters

Supporting Academics, Activities and Athletics


One of the easiest ways to get involved with Boise High Boosters is to serve on or chair one of our committees.  No experience required!  Serving on or chairing a committee provides an opportunity to meet other parents of Boise High School students as well as support the school. 

To learn how you can help, email our board president at and let us know what you are interested in and your contact information to pass along to the appropriate committee member.

Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 3:30 p.m., in room 402 at Boise High School. 

We also offer Booster Memberships to support fundraising for the many programs we help sustain. See the Booster Membership page and join today to become a part of the Boise High Boosters and receive some awesome swag!

Brave Weekly 2024-2025 Links

Fundraising & Grants FAQ

Where does your money go?

The Boise High Boosters fundraise to support the Boise High School community through the Booster Program and a bienniel Community Gathering and Fundraiser.  The Boise High Booster program provides essential operating funds for our players, performers, coaches and teachers.  In addition, we  provide funds to school programs which are not otherwise supported through the Boise School District.  These include funds for the Character Education program, MAC (Math Assistance Center), a Student Assistance fund to help students who struggle financially, academic awards, and through a grant award process to support the 3A’s of Boise High: Academics, Athletics and Activities.

How do the funds get to our programs?

Each season corporate sponsorships and a portion of all family memberships pass directly into the general overall budget of Boise High School to help supplement our athletic, academic and activities  and allow our teachers/coaches to focus on performing at their best and less on fundraising.

How are funds granted to the 3 A’s?

Each year the Boise High Boosters notify all faculty members and coaches of our granting timeline, through the administration and the Brave Weekly.  Faculty members and coaches must submit a grant application to apply for funding.  A subcommittee reviews each application to verify need and determine the best use of funds to benefit the majority of BHS student body in each of the 3 A’s.  The final recommendations are then sent to the board for final decision. 

Where does this money come from?

It comes from generous members, donors, alumni, faculty and parents just like you!   Parents and the Boise High Booster Board raise these funds through corporate sponsorship, family membership and special events.  You can donate to the Boise High Boosters at any time, see our Booster Membership page to donate now!

What are the criteria for Grants? 

Instructional materials and equipment are eligible.  Items funded by the Boise High Boosters become the property of Boise High.  Items which may be funded by the Boise School District, disposable items, and teacher training, stipends or salaries are not eligible.

How much money was donated to BHS?

Corporate Sponsors & Booster Family Members donated $82,000 to support Boise High School’s Academics, Activities, Arts & Athletics during the 2022-2023 school year.

Board Officers & Committee Chairs


Faculty Members

Principal                                           Deborah Watts

Faculty Representative    Reid Spain-Strombom

Student Representative Lucy Russell      

Executive Board

Presidents                                        Amy War &  Katie Walther

Vice-President                              Erin Bryan 

Secretary                                          Emily Allen

Treasurer                                         Aunick Lund

Assistant Treasurer                   Heather Lingbloom

Committee Chairs

Academics Liaison Maureen Collins

Activities Liaisons                        Patty Henry  &  Rachael Kelly

Athletics Liaison                            Ainoa Douglass

Student Services Liason Heidi Burpee

Hospitality                        Julie Kikuchi                

Hospitality Co-Chairs Diana Linderman  &  Andrea Puopolo

Auction Co-Chairs         Julie Chavez,  Nicole Singer  &  Stacy Stewart

Brave Weekly Karen Hudelson

Social Media Annie Meyer

Membership Co-Chairs      Sara Carpenter  &  Rachel Smith

Sponsorship Coordinator Molly Hamilton

Public Relations/Website Kacy Berliner

Volunteer Coordinator             Julie Ouchley

Senior Party Coordinators Becky Fitzpatrick  &  Lori Harris

Brave Weekly 2023-2024

Brave Weekly 2022-2023

Brave Weekly 2021-2022

2019 Mascot Change History

A Message from the Boise School District and Boise High Principal Robb Thompson


 Boise High Preparing A Plan to Replace Braves Mascot with Boise Brave

‘One That More Faithfully Represents School’s Vision, Historic Roots & Core Values’


Boise, ID -- Monday, August 5, 2019 -- After consulting with Boise High staff, parent and student leaders, as well as the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe, school administrators are working on a plan to replace Boise High Braves with Boise High Brave. 

 “Boise High Brave is a character trait. It is a reflection of what we ask of our students and teachers every day,” said Boise High Principal Robb Thompson. “With the adoption of Brave and it’s simple, yet powerful, call to action, this is the final step in a multi-year process to move Boise High’s mascot away from a caricature of Native American culture to one that more faithfully represents the school’s vision and core values.”

 “To make this change, one that preserves and celebrates the best of our traditions, we need look no further than the entrance to our school,” said Principal Thompson. “Boise High’s welcoming entrance (pictured) celebrates the civic virtues that embody the school’s purpose at its founding in 1902: Wisdom, Justice, Temperance and Courage.”

 A committee representing current and former Boise High students, faculty and patrons reviewed Boise High’s mission last year and captured in the following acronym the values and behaviors that require the virtue of Courage. 

 Balance– We are committed to be our best selves – body, heart and mind – in our school and community.

 Resilience– We embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

 Acceptance– We contribute to a positive school culture by acknowledging and exploring diverse ideas with an open mind and by advocating for ourselves and others.

 Valor- We prepare for our unique futures with imagination, resolve, and optimism and show exceptional courage in pursuing the visions of our future selves.

 Engagement– We are present, mindful and active in all pursuits.

 To beBRAVE then is a character trait and not a caricature. 

 In recent years, the Boise High community has reflected on and adapted the mascot’s imagery to avoid caricatures of Native Americans and/or objects. In 2014, the school removed those images entirely from the school’s crest. 

 “As educators in the Boise School District, we have the utmost respect for all people and we are committed to instilling in our students and community that same level of respect for all cultures, including American Indians,” said Boise High Quadrant Area Director Debbie Donovan.  

 Throughout this process, Boise High has solicited and considered input from students, faculty, alumni, patrons and the school’s parent support board. Recently, Boise High administrators and District officials visited with Shoshone-Bannock Tribe officials on the Fort Hall Reservation in Southeastern Idaho. During the August 1st meeting, Tribal officials conveyed their support for Boise High’s proposal.

 “As we have learned, when values are rooted in virtues, they should endure,” said Principal Thompson. “This is the right thing to do and the right time to do it.”


The Boise School Board unanimously approved replacing the Boise High School Braves mascot with Boise Brave. The decision was made at the Board’s regularly scheduled monthly meeting held on Monday, August 12, 2019.