Rewards and what's next

Reaping the rewards and what’s next…

When I came to the end of my transformation I planned out a few things to look forward to and capture my gainz. You’ve worked hard, for a long time and I do think it’s good to treat yourself. Here’s what I did:

Of course once you finish such an intense body transformation you have to decide what your new normal will be. You probably won’t want to continue being so strict with what you eat and may not want to dedicate so much time to exercising. For me, I have taken a more relaxed approach to what I eat and I’m not logging what I eat/drink. I’m ok with gaining some weight back, but going through this body transformation has given me both the tools and confidence to know how to control how much weight I gain and to be able to rein it in if I feel that I’m putting on too much. 

I’m focusing more now on some martial arts and general fitness. I still lift weights every week and keep my protein up but really it's only about 1.5 times a week (one full body workout, and one small session on arms made up of only 3 exercises).

Next year I’m going to be 40 and I already have a new challenge on the horizon - 40cm arms for my 40th birthday!

I hope that some of what I’ve shared has been helpful if you’re considering going on a similar body transformation journey. If there’s anything I can help with, just reach out and ask (Contact form).