Arts & Sciences

Classes and Sessions for the Arts and Sciences.

Track Manager: Baroness Deidra Morgan

Classes to be offered

Fiber Solar

Host: Lord Dreux d'Anjou

Come and enjoy the fiber arts and maybe learn something new.

Cost: $0

Little Fibula Brooces

Host: Delia Flammen

Make your own small fibula brooch

Cost: $1

Take Your Heraldry And Stick It...

Host: Hagar the Black

...on a banner, on your garb, on your gear, etc. This class will look at heraldic display, starting with the difference between a device and a badge, and what each is used for. We will also look at the display of heraldry in various art forms, and how we can use it to improve the ambience of our events.

Special Requirements: If you have heraldic garb, or other examples of heraldic display, please bring them to show.

Cost: $0

How to be heard on the Field or in Court

Host: Meadhbh inghean Thaidgh ui Dohmnaill

Learn to project your voice for field and Court healding, so you can be heard and understood (and still have a voice at the end of the day!)

Costs: $0

Making Knitting Needles/ Beginning Knitting

Instructor: Abigael MacDonald

Learn to make your own knitting needles then learn the basic knitting stitches such as casting on, the knit stitch and binding off!

Cost: Donations accepted

Beginning Calligraphy Set Up

Instructor: Lord Alwin of Nottinghill Coill

This class will teach you how to use an AMES Guide. So you can learn how to line a scroll and begin your calligraphy project. I will provide the AMES guides, Cost to cover them.

Cost: $8

Prerequisites: A love for scrolls. That's all it takes.

Coiled Baskets, History, and Instruction

Instructor: Annora Hall

The coiled basket represents the easiest form of basket construction requiring only a few tools to make it work: coiling material, a gauge to hold you material, and a way to secure your coils. Join me as we learn coiled basket construction and review its history, traditional materials, and uses.

Cost: $7

Redaction of Pre-1000 basket cheese

Instructor: Annora Hall

Basket cheeses of pre-1000 Europe provided both a method for cheese processing and cheese marking that was unique to the areas where cheese was manufactured. We will review the process of the basket's construction and use in the cheese making process, sample a couple of basket cheese varieties, and discuss implications of its spread to adjacent European locations.

Cost: 0

Court Herald 101

Instructor: Lucien de La Rochelle

Come learn what it means to be a Court Herald for the Royalty or Baronage. What are your responsibilities? What skills do you need? What traits should a Court Herald possess? What is your role before, during, and after Court?

Come learn the answers to these questions and more from a Herald of Atlantia.

Perfect Stitches and Handhelds

Instructor: TBA


If you want to teach a class, please fill out this Class Registration Form