Public Lecture

Time: 19:15, Monday 3 April 2023  (Refreshments at 18:15)

Venue: Guildhall, Bath

Speaker: Colin Wright

Colin Wright is a full-time freelance provider of Outreach and Enhancement, giving shows, workshops, and masterclasses in mathematics all over the world. He completed his PhD in 1990, has worked in industry, and has appeared on Radio, TV, in books, and on the internet. 

The Unexpected Maths of Juggling 

Juggling has fascinated people for centuries. Seemingly oblivious to gravity, the skilled practitioner will keep several objects in the air at one time, weaving complex patterns that seem to defy analysis.

In this talk we'll see a selection of the patterns and skills of juggling, at the same time developing a simple  method of describing and annotating a class of juggling patterns. By using mathematical techniques we can then exploit this notation to create new juggling tricks.