I also have working TTGO ESP32 WROVER / Simcom 7000G hardware (and various other Simcom 7080G-based stand alone modem only hardware) that connects to the cloud via both TinyGSM and and also the Blynk with the current Blynk library successfully now. I am perfectly willing to test on those boards and report back if you want to provide that Edgent GSM example (like the ESP32 one) that connects similarly to the way base Blynk library for GSM does, even in an unfished / untested form. I have already looked into modifying the BlynkSimpleEsp32.h and BlynkSimpleESP32_SSL.h ESP Wifi / Wifi SSL source to try and make such a Edgent GSM implementation, by essentially spoofing a successful Wifi connection and setting the Blynk state to Mode_Running and perhaps the Wifi status to WL_Connected when the Edgent.begin() call is made in the sketch, but I am not confident that my approach is valid. With even a partial example of a GSM example for Edgent that shows the approach, I am pretty sure I can make it work. Thank you in advance.

Hello, I am interested in this. I have a ttgo esp32 sim7000g unit. I could not use it with blynk. Please take care of this device. It has a lot of features, such as GPS, support for 2g, 3g, 4g, and a memory card. All of this is combined in one device. I also want to allocate a code for it with blynk examples.

Blynk Edgent Library Download

Download 🔥 https://tinurll.com/2y4J4C 🔥

In order to start the updated process you need three libraries; first of course the Update library provided by esp32 core, second; an http client library to perform the GET request from the provided OverTheAirUrl and to pass a stream object to the Update library that stream shall contain the body of http response and the body length in Bytes should be known in advance and also been passed to the update library, the third is a communication client to be used by the http client and to handle the network layer.

I am surprised other users have not seen this warning, or perhaps I am doing something wrong.

Is there a way to put all Blynk Edgent sketch tabs inside of a library folder (e.g. Documents > Arduino > libraries > Blynk Edgent)?

It seems that the template ID etc are only needed for dynamic provisioning, but it would appear that people are struggling to get a basic connection.

I assume that this is because the server URL is different and needs to be changed to blynk.cloud

Hi @vshymanskyy ,

Please let me know on the support for ESP32 over micro python on new Blynk cloud. I am using older version of Blynk mpy library for my prototype , can that be tweaked for new cloud and template pls.

Tested it with A9G Pudding board thru GPRS connection. From the first galnce, it does work with Blynk 2.0 in my case (except of @decorators which seems to be not supported by A9G micropython version). Very useful library, thanks.

Hey guys can u help me i used Wemos D1 Mini with latest version of library Blynk.

i used Blynk.edgent because i want to add provision feature on my project but some weird things came out, my DHT sending me a Nan value when i used it. but when i change with my old project without edgent fiture the problem is gone. so can yall help me how to handle that or maybe teach me how to make some provision thing that blynk can do.

The problem starts when i want to mix Blynk.edgent with my original code. The original code works perfect with BlynkSimpleEsp32.h. At the moment i wanted to add edgent, it does not compile if i dont use BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h. when compile, i see in the serial monitor the error:

In response to your question, yes i tried to change those libraries in the .h tab.

The problem seems to be using BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h with Esp32, it seems incompatible according to some reading.

So Pete to make things clear, my problem is how to use #include  with Esp32 to avoid this error:

[72060] Connecting to blynk.cloud:443

[72060] Secure connection failed

Hi Pete, thanks for your advice, i made a lot of progress and found out what causes the issue.

My conclusion is that if i use BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h and BluetoothSerial.h there is a conflict.

Reading those .h files (from -esp32/blob/master/libraries/BluetoothSerial/src/BluetoothSerial.h, and -library/blob/master/src/BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h) , i found out that both have the sentence o function bool connect(), so i suspect that there is the problem but i do not know how to solve it.

Thanks for the reply. I am using a Bluetooth thermal printer connected to Blynk, that is the reason to use both Wifi and Bluetooth. If i use BlynkSimpleEsp32.h and BluetoothSerial.h , everything works perfectly, but i want to add Blynk.edgent() that uses BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL, so that is the issue.

So, any idea how to do it? You say that:

I am not so much new to blynk and have little experience with CPP, i switched to new blynk two weeks ago and made many improvements after resolving many issues but this time no luck. I need you guys to just push me to right direction where i can solve these issues, thanks.

I try to run an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with the default code of Blynk Edgent MKR1010 and when I compile my code, the Arduino IDE shows me a long error code. I use version 1.1.0 of the Blynk library and I program on macOS.

Blynk library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison/Galileo, LinkIt ONE, Particle Core/Photon, Energia, ARM mbed, etc. - blynk-library/examples/Blynk.Edgent...

Blynk 2.0 is much more powerful then the legacy version, and cheaper for hobbyists. It maintains the familiar graphical user interface for creating mobile applications, and adds a cloud dashboard. It also offers a significantly upgraded Arduino library packed with features, including support for over the air firmware upgrades.

In your Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries and search for 'Blynk'. The top-most result should be the library we require. To confirm, check if the latest version matches the one on Github.

lib_deps= GitHub - blynkkk/blynk-library: Blynk library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison/Galileo, LinkIt ONE, Particle Core/Photon, Energia, ARM mbed, etc.

I have two pond pumps with controllers ( ESP32) connecting to blynk via aquascape. I know the auth code for both pumps. I was wondering if there was any way to create devices in blynk to connect to these two pumps.

Now, go to the web browser and open the blynk cloud by typing the blynk.cloud at the web browser and hit enter. Blynk2.0 Cloud has been opened. Here we login or create a new account. As I already have an account so I login to blynk.

The Info tab of the project has been opened. Firmware configuration, this is the important part of our blynk project. Template id and device name. we have to write it to our arduino program. It is verified by the blynk cloud when the device connects to it via the internet.

Download and extract all these three library extract it by using winrar or winzip software. and go inside the folder and you will get the arduino program file with ino file extension with the name dht11_sensor_data_to_blynk_2.0. open it with an arduino ide.

we need to replace the Template ID and device name with our project. So go to the blynk web dashboard and click on the info tab and copy these template ID and Device name configuration and replace it here.

As we have stored the humidity and temperature values to h and t variables, now we send these data to blynk by using blynk.virtualwrite command. We send the h variable data to V0 as we have defined humidity in the V0 pin in the datastream tab. And similarly we define temperature to V1. So we send the t variable value to V1 pin.

So time to configure the blynk app on the mobile. So go to the app store and search for blynk. You can see we got the two blynk app, blynk legacy and blynk IoT New. Blynk legacy is blynk 1.0 old app. So we installed blynk IoT New that is blynk 2.0. As I have already downloaded it, so open the blynk app and you can see we have got the two options, sign up or login. As we already have an account so login to it.

So provide the credentials of the wifi and click on continue. Now it is configuring the wifi network. Click on continue and then done. Now exit from the app. back to the main dashboard of the blynk app. You got your blynk project here.

We place it at an appropriate place as per our requirement. We can also resize it by long press on the widgets. Now click on the first widget and its property gets opened. Select the data stream as Humidity V0 and write the title as Humidity. Now back to the dashboard and click on another widget. In the property, select datastream as Temperature V1 and write the title temperature. Back to the dashboard. So this is how we can configure the blynk2.0 app.

hi, there must be required header file inside the Programming folder. or you can user alternate method to sned the dht sensor data to the blynk cloud. i have also uploaded the video on this. this link will help you- -Th1sI4 e24fc04721

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