Terms Of Service (TOS)


In order to purchase a premade/ commission, you must be 18 years old or older, or have a parent/ guardian purchase on your behalf.


I only use PayPal as a form of payment, through goods and services.

In order for the commission process to get started, a minimum first payment of $100 is required. This covers the foam for the base and lining. In order for the rest of the commission to be completed, the rest of your PayPal invoice must be paid in full.

Payments for premade fursuits have to be paid in full. Premade shipping is always covered by the suit's selling price as well.

Satisfaction and Safety Guarantee

We all know how much we love our fursuit, so that's why we're committed to your safety and quality of your fursuit. Before a fursuit is sent out, wether it be a premade or commissioned fursuit, your fursuit goes through the following process: Pin/ Needle check, neck stress test, ear yanking test, mesh poking test, velcro yanking test, and then gets washed fully and brushed, and then immediately sealed into a shipping bag.

During the commission process, a series of WIP photos will be sent, and if you want me to change anything about the fursuit that will still fit my style, let me know (ie: asking for minor marking changes)

When you recieve your fursuit and find something about your fursuit that might be deemed as unsafe, let me know! Things deemed as unsafe counts as: Pins/Needles, Craft knives, Bacterial Stench. But things that does not count are: Fur pattern, fur colors, suits fur colors after it's been ordered (you pick them out when your were filling out our quote)

The costumer has a month after receiving their suit in the mail to contact me about any problems with their fursuit

Contact With Maker

I love having a good conversation with people, even if it isnt about commissioning a fursuit from me. However, I do not want to see: Asking for a free fursuit/ lower price, NSFW messages/reference sheets.

Reference Sheets

Your reference sheet must have the following requirements:

-At least a front and a back veiw

-accurate colors and is digital

-Character cannot convey hateful/ political messages

-No copyrighted/ stolen characters

Our Fursuit Style

We only make fursuits in our own style. We will not make fursuits that immitate someone else's style. If you want a fursuit with a style that someone else makes, please commission them instead, I'm not going to steal someone else's business, go show love to that maker by commissioning them instead.