History of BlueBall Studios

BlueBall Studios was first made in fall of 2020 under the name of "Pink And Blue Addicts Fursuits". Our first commission was of a fairy dog with a squinted eye type, which was is a little terrifying for a new fursuit maker to do with having only done your "standard plasticard eye" type, but we pulled through, with the fursuit being completed in 4 months. This fursuit was a partial (head, hand paws, tail combo).
In January of 2022 we made our first ever handpaw pattern that we can call our own, before that we used Curlworks' free handpaw patter (it's a small bit difficult to sew together because of how big the top of the fingers are compared to the bottom of the paws, but they're a free pattern, which you cannot argue with because most other patterns cost at least some money)!

As of 2023 we are working on bringing feet paws and bodysuits to the table!