
Video format

  • Videos are presentations by the Blockly team.

  • Live sessions will not be recorded.

  • Got questions? Post them on the Dory and we'll answer them during Q&A sessions.

  • (Updated April 21) Closed captions are in progress

High level topics

Year in Review

Rachel Fenichel

Learn about the work the Blockly team did in 2020. Rachel describes the team's focus in 2020 and highlights key new features and infrastructure.

Blockly Roadmap

Rachel Fenichel

In this talk Rachel discusses a multi-year roadmap for Blockly. This talk lays out long-term goals for the library, the community, and the Blockly ecosystem, then shows how we are working toward those goals in 2021.

Blockly Plugins

Sam El-Husseini

In 2020, the Blockly team introduced an ecosystem of plugins called Blockly plugins. In this talk, Sam shares the background and motivation behind the move towards a plugin model. He shows how to get started with plugins and include them in your app. Finally, a quick showcase of some first-party plugins.

Build with Blockly

Blockly on npm

Maribeth Bottorff

In the past, all of our Getting Started information has suggested that you clone or fork the entire Blockly repo. But now with plugins, it's easier than ever to customize Blockly without having to fork it. In that case, the easiest way to manage your Blockly dependency is through a package manager such as npm. This talk is focused on those new to npm or not yet using a package manager. We will talk about the benefits of using npm and how to use the Blockly package.

Developer Tools

Sam El-Husseini

With the introduction of Blockly plugins, the team also introduced a set of developer tools used for building both Blockly core and plugins. Sam runs through the features included in these developer tools, and how to use them in your app.


Rachel Fenichel

What is a codelab? Why should I care? How can I write one? Learn all about these interactive tutorials and how you can get involved in writing them.

How to build a plugin

Maribeth Bottorff

The Blockly team has published a number of plugins ourselves, but we also welcome contributions from the community! Do you have an idea for a plugin that could be useful to other Blockly developers? This talk will explain how to get started developing a plugin for Blockly.

Technical deep dives

Metrics deep dive

Abby Schmiedt

In the first part of this talk we will be looking at what workspace metrics are, when they might be helpful to use, and when you might want to override them. In the second half of the talk, we will be doing a deep dive into what each set of the workspace metrics are actually measuring.

Toolbox APIs

Abby Schmiedt

In September 2020 we rewrote the Blockly toolbox to be more extensible and configurable. Come hear about the changes and learn how can use the new APIs to customize your toolbox!

Blockly Test Helpers

Monica Kozbial

As part of the @blockly/dev-tools plugin, the Blockly team has provided a set of helpers to use with testing, in particular for custom fields and blocks. In this talk, we'll dive into what test helpers are available and how they can help you in your testing.

Operator Precedence

Monica Kozbial

Ever been unsure about what operator precedence to use when writing generator code for custom blocks? In this talk, we'll talk about the role of operator precedence in code generation, how to choose the correct operator precedence to report in your code, signs of bugs, and best practices.