Sinus Sympathy

“Sinus Sympathy” is a blend that offers you some “sympathy” for those sinus headaches, facial pain, stuffiness, nasal drip, and other of those sinus symptoms.

This bend is already mixed with a carrier oil so it is safe to apply a drop (roll) or two to bottom of feet, temples, inside of the elbows or pressure points.

“Sinus Sympathy” is also great to diffuse by the hand diffusing method: apply a drop to palms, rub together, cup hands and inhale. You can also use in a diffuser, or drop on a handkerchief and inhale any time. If you have the spray just a pump or two into the air is great for you and those in the room with you. Do not spray in eyes.

Store in a cool dark place.

This blend should not be used on children under the age of 12.

Carrier Oil, Peppermint, Tea Tree,

Eucalyptus, Oregano, and Thyme