Connected it via optical cable to Logitech Z906. Installed latest drivers from their web page, enabled encoding to dts and it works, my receiver shows up dts signal and it is all great, but the problem is, that volume control is not working. When I open my sound settings under "mixer" and change the volume of "Speakers" or "SPDIF-Out" nothing happens, changes only occur if I change the recorder "What U Hear" volume(works as changing output sound volume). This wouldn't be a big issue if I could just make windows default volume control to change this volume, but I can't because it is an input device, not output device.

Am I the only one who have such a problem? I can not find anything on this anywhere, is there any solution I can achieve without coding an application which mirrors the volume values for all three involved sound interfaces? ( I am a bit lazy :D)

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I'm running DOS 6.22 in my retro gaming rig and having trouble with sound. The sound plays fine, but it's extremely quiet even though the speakers are turned almost all the way up. The speakers are functioning properly, BTW. I have also turned the volume knob on the card to maximum. Nevertheless, sound remains very quiet.

I have not loaded any drivers for this ISA card. However, the usual SET BLASTER commands are in the configuration files on the boot disk. Are there any sseings I can put in the autoexec or config files to increase the volume? Is there some sort of mixer program I can use? I used SBP-TEST.EXE that came from some driver repository but it did not help.

On another message board someone questioned if I had disabled the internal amplifier. I am not sure how to check this, nor how to enable or disable it. The card was bought from eBay, but lacked any software.

The Sound Blaster 2.0 has no mixer and no configuration settings to change the volume. Individual applications can adjust the volume of the FM, digital sound (and Game Blaster if you have all three chips installed.)

Apparently it is possible per the manual and somehow it involves hooking the PC Speaker directly into the card or some such trouble. This has not been done, so I'm inclined to believe the amplifier is enabled.

I was able to download original install disks from a mediafire site kept by another DOSBox forum member specifically for this card. Alas, the install.exe is apparently corrupt. There is a DOS mixer utility from Creative called SET-SBP iirc that is included on the disks too. So far, googling has met with no success in getting a download. I tried SBPVOL.COM, another mixer utility from that site, but it had no effect. I suppose the possibility exists the card is bad.

edit: I know little on how speakers and sound systems work in terms of amplification. Is it possible the sound generated from this card is simply not strong enough for the speakers I have attached to it such that the output from the speakers is low even with the volume turned all the way up? The speakers are about 3 years old and as far as I know in working order.

Issue has been resolved. I plugged some headphones into the port on the speakers. After removing them the sound worked fine. The other embarassing possibility is I was turning up the tone dial instead of volume ?

I have run through this problem with a tech at Creative, and we could not fix this. All volume controls but master volume are grayed out on the Sound Blaster Omni Surround 5.1 external sound card. I am at my wit's end with trying to get surround sound on my iMac. This will be the 5th external sound card I have to send back because it does not work with Mac, even though they claim they do.

I got word back from Creative: They say that the individual volumes cannot be adjusted. What a shame. Thank you all for your replies, and if you know of any external sound cards that *can* do surround sound and have adjustable volume controls, please post suggestions.

That's where I am looking to see what controls are available. I have tried every bit sized integer, every Hertz setting, every number of channels. In every one, only master volume works. I have now upgraded to Mojave, and that does not fix it either.

One possible problem is that there is no way to allow software from "Anywhere" to install anymore. Even using the terminal to disable that security measure using sudo spctl -- master-disable does not work, so the Mac may be disabling something every install.

After completing "Create a Volume Control for USB Sound Card in Raspberry Pi" instructable, the volume of the sound card is controllable by a "software" volume controller. However, the sound card's built-in hard volume knob (the shiny circular object as shown in the picture) was still unusable. I felt it was a shame to leave it at that. So after digging around, I learned that the sound card has an infrared receiver interface. However, this particular sound card that I purchased did not come with remote control in the box. The surprising thing is that the built-in volume knob communicates with the sound card's infrared receiver and Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC) could read the signals received by the sound card's infrared receiver. This was a pleasant surprise!

"..........lircd(alsa_usb) ready, using /var/run/lirc/lircd" means LIRC daemon is ready to send LIRC events to the LIRC interface. If you do NOT see this message, then you cannot proceed to the next step because no application can receive any LIRC events.

I checked the IR blaster with my phone camera. I can see it blinking for the power buttons but no signal comes out when either of the volume buttons are pressed. I checked the batteries and it still says batteries are good on the settings.

Hey there Kingsol,

I'm sorry to hear that your Chromecast Voice Remote is having some issues! I'd be happy to help you out here, since this would be hard to troubleshoot on your own. Go ahead and give these steps a try:

I have done all the steps you recommended but the problem still persist. Let me explain the exact problem. The remote control works perfectly all functions work. But I use it to control a slightly older model TV so it uses the infrared blaster to control the TV volume and powering on and off. I set that up through the settings in the Chromecast by selecting the TV model and everything was working fine. Then suddenly the volume control stopped working (while the power button works). I checked if there is an issue with the tv but the old remote was working fine. I chabged the settings of the volume control to original settings Incase the buttons were defective but it was fine as well. So then I checked if a signal was coming through the infrared blaster with my phone camera and there wasn't any. So the issue is for the volume control there is no infrared data coming out of the remote control for some reason. It's quite fascinating problem too

It's no problem at all! In this scenario, it may be best to have someone from Chromecast Support reach out to you regarding this issue, since they would have more tools than I would to help troubleshoot. If you don't mind, would you be able to fill out this form? That way, they can reach out to you via e-mail.

I was surprised to find this blaster of Sportkings Volume 4 at a Target and I also almost equally surprised that it was still $20 since most blasters are $25- $30 nowadays. This blaster has 5 packs where you can pull base cards, parallels and mini cards and 1 bonus pack where you can pull an autograph, memorabilia card or sketch card.

If you are curious about the spread of cards I got, it is 20 base cards, 15 mini cards, 10 gray parallels and 5 blue parallels. It features athletes from pretty much every sport out there, baseball, football, pro wrestling, ping pong, etc. The checklist is pretty random but I like an odd product like this.

The real star of the blaster is the bonus pack and I pulled a Joseph Ruud memorabilia card, 39/50. I am just happy to pull a hit of a sport I actually follow. Joseph Ruud of course was Erick Rowan in the WWE and unfortunately he is best known for being part of the Wyatt Family which tragically had both Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper both passed away recently.

Which Sound Blaster Pro do you have? From the link the original Sound Blaster Pro (1.0) has install disks that are either 360KB or 720KB in size. The Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 disks have install disks that are 1.44MB in size. You need to pick the right set of drivers for the card.

Note that no floppy disk volume label can be more than 11 characters long. DOS file and directory names can have no more than 8 characters for the name plus 3 characters for the extension. Unline file and directories, spaces and periods are legal in a disk volume label, but you don't get more characters for extensions.

I am a total newbie when it comes to programming or even talking directly to drivers. The thing I want to do is hooking up my Raspberry Pi with a 5.1 external USB-soundcard. I would really like to use the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround Pro for that but Creative only provides Windows drivers. Which basically means I will have to write my own driver. While I assume that it will be quite easy to do the audio playback (I have done a fair amount of audio processing in my life) I don't have a clue how to set the USB card volume. I am honestly mostly irritated that the Sound Blaster has its own external volume control (which is the main reason for me to use it). Just applying a simple gain factor on the bit stream would be really easy.

My question is: Could it be that I would have to just set the system volume and that the volume control on the sound card just transfers values to the USB host which I then would have to make sense of? In case you do not know the Sound Blaster card, would that be the standard way of doing things? 152ee80cbc

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