Acid Pro 8 crashes and gets stuck on "creating child windows" when loading. After uninstalling and reinstalling, it loaded and ran for about 2 hours until it crashed and now will not load again while "creating child windows". Is there a patch that will fix this problem??

the only real fix for this is to go to folder options and check the box called, "show hidden files". then go to C:\Documents and Settings\*username\Application Data\magix\acid Pro\8.0 and delete the ExplorerFavorites.txt file.

Download Acid Pro 7 For Windows 10


An acid wash refers to using any type of acid to clean stains on the glass surface that will not come off with a basic soap and squeegee wash or with an abrasive like steel wool, window brush or razor blade. Some guys use acids to wash the glass even when the glass can be cleaned using these methods but it is quicker or easier to use an acid or product that contains an acid along with other detergents and or soaps.

CC550 contains hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid. Hydrochloric acid is in one restore as well. It also has other ingredients that is deemed proprietary so not sure what that is. Both acids are toxic and can be vary dangerous, more so the Hydrofluoric acid. Here are two links detailing both acids. Specifically read the section on dafety.

Dan fields DVD on water spot removal is a great resource for water spot removal. He is a man of excellence and his advice is thorough and solid. He mentions using phosphoric acid to remove magnesium and calcium deposits from glass. phosphoric acid is phosphoric acid is a mineral based non toxic acid that is safe to use with your hands. It is contained in many common products like moisturizers and soft drinks. According to him the only thing that will remove silcate water spots from glass glass is by using hydrofluoric acid or a polishing method. He does not advocate using hydrofluoric acid because of the risk involved and because it can react with the tin in the glass if the tin side of the glass is exposed causing a hazing affect; which would need to be polished out. I have had problems with tin etch haze using both CC550 and One Restore in the past.

Many toilet bowl cleaners contain hydrochloric acid which will remove magnesium and calcium deposits on the glass but will not remove silicate. I have not tried the phosphoric acid yet but am anxious to give it a go. My thinking is to hit it with phosphoric acid first and if that does not remove the spots then it will need to be polished out.

Is it necessary to seal the glass afterwards? I have seen many mention that whenever acid is used, a sealant needs to be used. What are popular options around here for products? Any non-toxic, biodegradable options? (Does this advice even pertain for something like vinegar, which seems to work on certain hardwater stains)?

Only really when using it around plastic type fittings, it will not etch glass unless you have it in a 200C oven, it will discolor plastics it will turn black to a grey and can stain colored pavers/concrete

As someone who has done acid-based hard water spot removal for years and has seen nothing but great affects on glass, I see this as an untruth. Perhaps he has been misinformed. Chemical manufacturers would not be allowed to brand and sell their products like they do if their product damages glass with proper use, glass being the surface it is intended for. At the very least, their product would be called out by many users, lawsuits would occur, and products would be taken off shelves or reformulated.

I have used acid and non-acid products when removing hard water build up and it does not make a difference and no long term damage if done correctly. The customer wants the build up gone and its gone when I leave and thats what every customer wants. That window cleaner just wants to make his customer feel better about his products and manner of cleaning glass.

Side question: Have you ever seen FD that was visible? A couple of times I saw splotches of brown dots that were surely not paint, felt like FD, and could not come off with anything. It was almost like iron welding overspray that melted into the glass or something, but there was no metal around.

At that particular job I did monthly acid treatment for $100 each month. I would hit some of the same windows. I guess now with the IG seal warning, I would not recommend that. Monthly acid cleaning increases the chances of breaks I guess.

Through this blog I would like to share my story, inspire students to use Tech for Good, and contribute to the community to make a difference in someone else's life. In doing so, I hope to enable others to share their knowledge with the most vulnerable section of society as "Education is for All".

It was my childhood, being raised by a single parent, which taught me the importance of becoming confident, independent, self sufficient, and having a strong personality through education, learning, gaining knowledge and sharing it back with peers in the community. I faced lots of challenges in life since childhood but I was privileged enough to get all facilities for studying in an esteemed school and doing extracurricular activities which diverted my attention from hardships to positive thinking and confidence building. This further encouraged me to give back to society and strive to be an inspiration to others.

My community service started when I was in my 10th standard in school. I started empowering girls in my community by teaching them French as I wanted to reach out to those students who did not have this language in their curriculum. I wanted them to feel "equal" in learning and know the custom and culture of other countries. My journey and passion of empowering girls continued after I began college, started pursuing BTECH IT, and became a Gold Student Microsoft Ambassador. I conducted various events in Microsoft Technology like Azure, Cloud Computing, and Microsoft Office 365 tools to empower both women to reduce the gender gap in tech and students with disabilities.

In these times of pandemic, technology has become essential. This made me think about the students who were disabled and not very tech savvy as it would deprive them of moving ahead during this COVID period. I had a strong desire to empower students with disabilities and reached out to acid attack survivors through NGOs. After communication with the NGOs and digging more into the past lives of these survivors, what caught my attention was that it was not just the physical pain which these survivors go through, but also the mental trauma because of social exclusion. After reading about their painful sufferings and experience, as each survivor has heart touching stories where in some cases even their own family backed out on support, I became more determined to make these lovely souls powerful by teaching them the latest technology tools to help them become confident, strong, self sufficient, and independent so that they can earn their own livelihood and not be dependent on anyone anymore.

The NGO rehabilitating acid attack survivors made me aware of the expensive surgeries these survivors have to go through and high cost involved. Thus, these NGOs mainly focus on meeting their surgery expenses and rehabilitating them through other programs. My mission of empowering these girls with technology during these times of crisis sounded like a good suggestion to the NGO but they were limited in their resources as their main focus is to fund their surgeries. Also, they did not have computers where practical training and teaching could be possible. 152ee80cbc

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