Black Cat Witch = 19469187^80085

Candy = {Apple,Melon,Strawberry,Cherry,Peach,Blueberry,Raspberry}

Toiprollillion = 1031^0.00000000031

Midnight Killer = 1132021^1031

Razor Candy = Cherry^0.00000000000000000000000000000001031

Ghost = 10312

Haunted House = {10,31(Ghost)2}

Pumpkin = 56271688223^1031

Jack-o'-lantern = Pumpkin! where ! denotes factorial

Burnt out Jack-o'-lantern = Pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! denotes multifactorial

Day of the haunt = 10^-1031

Trickster treating = 10^1031

Tricked treater = Candy^-1

Trickster-tricked treater = Razor Candy^-1

Dead constant = 10^-0.31

Reaper number = 10^(-3.1*10^-1031)