Factoree = TREE(200!) where ! denotes factorial

Treegol = TREE(10^100)

Box of Onions = Square(Onion) in Steinhaus-Moser Notation (or approximately Onion^^Onion)

Onion-infused BEEF = {210,42,141,113,214,300} in BEAF

Onion-infused Multidimensional BEEF = {21(0,42)141,113(214)300} in BEAF

Stardust Compactor = {Onion(Starfruit)Onion,Starfruit(Onion)Starfruit} in BEAF

Hyper-chaotic Dragon-star Onion-Layered Multidimensional Compact BEEF patties of the next generation in a millennia-old cooking war held by the top chefs of the world because they are too prideful to admit they might be worse than someone else so they held a petty competition to prove who was the best which managed to last for an entire millennia somehow (and it didn't even work because nobody knew what a "Hyper-chaotic Dragon-star Onion-Layered Multidimensional Compact BEEF patty" was...) = {LLLLL(Dragonfruit)LLLLL(Starfruit)LLLLL(Onion)LLLLL(Stardust Compactor)LLLLL,10} in BEAF

L.E.E.T (Legendary Explosive Edamame Taco) = {1337,1337(1337)1337} in BEAF

Rainbow Road = 16711680[16753920[16776960[65280[255[4915330[9371903]]]]]] in Copy notation

Fresh Googology Onion = {2,{10,{4,{2,{14,{11,{13,{2,{14,300,14},2},13},11},14},2},4},10},2} in BEAF

Demon Cat = {666,666,...,666,666} with 666 entries in BEAF

Weak Tritri = b[3,3,3] in Weak-b notation

Weak Dupertri = b[3,3,3,3{1}2] in Weak-b notation

Obnion = b[210,42,141,113,214,300] in Weak-b notation

Crazy Unstoppable Ethereal Unimaginable Outrageous Limitless Chaotic Colossal Omnipotent Vigorous Mighty Immortal Incredible Tremendous Fantastic Absurd Exquisite Remarkable Extravagant Phenomenal Brilliant Astounding Marvelous Spectacular Extraordinary Fabulous Splendid Glorious Magnificent Terrific Wondrous Astonishing Miraculous Unlimited Legendary Mythical Divine Super Mega Ultra Omega Extreme Ultimate Insane Hyper Godly Unique Exotic Supreme Celestial Eternal Cosmic Astronomical Chromic Cryptic Terrible Platonic New Diabolical Rose Mandelevi Bohric Roentgenic Copernic Flerovic Eccentric Greater Sphenic Prismatic Cyclonic Dazzling Cloudy Creepy Cruel Elegant Enchanting Evil Gifted Glorious Graceful Grotesque Horrible Mysterious Outstanding Perfect Best Scary Shiny Luminant Unbelievable Greatest Demonic Draconic Niflhemic Paradoxical Hyperbolic Giant Massive Large Huge Enormous Gigantic Humongous Monumental Stupendous Galactic Universal Gargantuan Herculean Jumbo Monstrous Titanic Excessive Gross Horrific Explosive Nuclear Radioactive Terrifying Frightening Unstable Strange Unusual Bizarre Quirky Fresh Xeno-Nobel-Multidimensional Stardust Onion from the future = TREE(g(Onion))

Cerberus = {3,3,...,3,3} with 666 entries in BEAF

End Googol = 426825223812027400796974891518773732342988745354489429495479078935112929549619739019072139340757097296812815466676129830954465240517595242384015591919845375^100

Trimgol = 4,398,046,511,104

Agyobarokatugrottalustakutyanillion = {10000,10000(100000)10000}

Hayachaironokitsuwanamakémillion = {10101010101010101010,10101010101010101010(10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10)10101010101010101010}

Yamashamanesituphyllion = {25,26(26)9}

Mithril Googol = {10,100(10^100)11451355}

Adamantrillion = {10,12(1461559270678)1000000000000}

Nyarko = 10^^^^^10^^^1000

Haiyoreko = {10,1000(Nyarko)5000}

Mytho-Nyarko = {10,1000(Nyarko)1000000}

Mytho-Haiyoreko = {10,1000(Mytho-Nyarko)5000}

Cryptic number = BB(Kryptilion) where BB denotes the Busy beaver function

Milk = 2937689347563818866457768

Cheese = Milk^4

Blue cheese = Cheese^^6

Cherry bomb = Cherry! where ! denotes factorial

Bocchillion = 24^12

Natrifluoripastillion = 437^99

Chlorophyllion = 595^22

Hypochlorophyllion = 595^2

Natrihypochlorophyllion = 12880^14.96

Ammonymyillion = 42^21

Phosphochlorophylphosphyllion = 10^10^9139200

Katriphyllion = 154752^18240

Alkanum AW = 1596^15643224324

Alkanum AN = 1596^111007215

Halgenum = 1596^424234356000

(–)Halgenum = 1596^390571667640

Florazynillion = 798^16

Uwum = 1596^40062

Astrum = 1596^6856135

Ace = 52!*7!^3

Marcopolum = 1596^22!

Taupum = 1596^(19!*10!)

Neptosimyllion = (10^9)!*(10^8)!*(10^7)!*(10^6)!*100000!*10000!*1000!*100!*10!*30*60

Greatest Nobel-Billion = 0.00...11 with "..." representing an infinite series of zeroes

Thegatazonum = 1596^125100000000