CS Framework

Our work is guided by the K12 Computer Science Framework.

The practices outlined in the framework include:

1. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture

2. Collaborating around Computing

3. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems

4. Developing and Using Abstractions

5. Creating Computational Artifacts

6. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts

7. Communicating about Computing

The concepts include:

1. Computing Systems (devices, hardware/software, troubleshooting)

2. Networks and the Internet (network communication and organization, cybersecurity)

3. Data Analysis (collection, storage, visualization/transformation, inference/models)

4. Algorithms and Programming (see right)

5. Impacts of Computing (culture, social interactions, safety/law/ethics)

Crosscutting Concepts of the framework include:

1. Abstraction

2. System Relationships

3. Human-Computer Interaction

4. Privacy and Security

5. Communication and Coordination

Algorithms and Programming

1. Algorithms

  • real-life

  • computer

2. Variables

  • different kinds of data - words, numbers, pictures

  • ways to organize large collections of data into data structures

3. Control

  • simple:specify order of instructions executed within an algorithm

  • control structures: analyze a variable and choose a direction in which to go

3. Modularity

  • breaking down tasks into simpler tasks

  • recognizing patterns to use general, reusable solutions

4. Program development

  • build apps, create Scratch projects

  • build, test, improve Lego Robot programs