
University of California, Riverside

TA - Physics Department: Physics Laboratory, Introductory Physics for Engineers, Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, How Stuff Works.

TA - Math Department: Ordinary Differential Equations

Yunnan, China

Sponsored by a Service Learning Award from the Blum Poverty Initiative, I taught a summer school in rural China. The students were mostly middle schoolers from the town of Daguan, perched precariously on the cliffside above a river bearing the same name. I taught the kids some English songs (thanks John Denver and The Beatles) as well as a bit of science including 'Our Cosmic Address' and 'The Greenhouse Effect.'

My great-grandfather, Sam Pollard, was a Methodist missionary in the same region from the 1890's until his death from Typhoid in 1915. That is a much longer story for another time.