Classic Southern Pea. Heavy yielder. Typical blackeye type of Southern pea with cream-colored seed coats and black pigments around the eyes. Stands more erect than California No. 5, have smaller seeds and shorter plant height. 6-8"L pods are above foliage. Does not exhibit leaky eye (discolors canning brine) when canned. Great fresh, frozen or canned.

**Cowpeas, Southern Peas, are the most productive and heat tolerant legumes around. Cowpeas come in bush, vine, tall and short varieties. Great for stopping soil erosion and weed suppression. Cowpeas make an excellent Nitrogen source ahead of fall-planted crops and attract many beneficial insects. Cowpeas grow well on poor land and add lots of organic matter to the soil. Also, they make a good animal fodder crop.


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Pollination occurs by insect, bird, wind, humans, or other natural mechanisms. Because there are no restrictions on the flow of pollen between individuals, open-pollinated plants are more genetically diverse. However, as long as pollen is not shared between different varieties within the same species, then the seed produced will remain true-to-type year after year.

The fake website is hosted through the service ngrok. Ngrok allows a user to easily expose a web server running on a local machine, to the internet. This is the main reason why this tool is easy for anyone to use. You can run it from any network with an internet connection and do not need a public-facing IP address. Additionally, it does not require you to register a domain name. In the case of pen testing, this works great, but if this was used for a real phishing campaign, then it can be assumed that ngrok would flag the traffic and take down the fake website. Below are some examples of the fake webpages and their real counterparts. (fake on top, real on bottom)

From the first look, the fake sites look very similar to the real version with few subtle differences. If I did not know which was which based on the URL, then I would have a hard time deciding which is the real one. Additionally, If the victim clicked on the link (which looks very sketchy), then they will most likely enter their actual credentials with no hesitation.

As mentioned earlier, the links generated by this tool look extremely sketchy. Especially if the attacker is trying to impersonate a well-known site. There are some techniques to hide this flaw. The first and most obvious being embedding the actual link in a hyperlink in the email. An example of this is shown below.

When it comes to phishing text, there is no option to hyperlink. The solution here is to obfuscate the URL using a URL shortener. This is actually very common when getting legitimate texts from different sites since there is a character limit of 160 for text messages and the shortener will help save space for the rest of the message. An example of a URL shortener is shown below.

Phishing email campaigns currently are incredibly prevalent. This is because there is a large population that is unsuspecting and has no clue what phishing emails are or how they work. As shown by blackeye, even clicking on the link will give the attacker some of your info at the very least. This is why it would be ideal for the general public to be better educated on the subject since phishing emails are something that everyone will receive at some point. It is just a matter of identifying and deleting these types of emails. Furthermore, blackeye showed how easy these fake websites can be crafted and hosted. In fact, it can be done in four terminal commands. This means that almost anyone can perform this attack, even with little technical experience. For these reasons, it is important to make others aware of these attacks.

The site is secure. 

 The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

Blackeye peas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) are mainly used as a vegetable throughout the world, however they may contain significant concentrations of quercetin, myricetin, cyanidin, and delphinidin for potential use as a functional vegetable. Thirty-eight blackeye pea genotypes were selected from the core collection in the USDA, ARS, Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit's cold storage at 4 C during 2016. Information regarding concentrations of quercetin, myricetin, cyanidin, delphindin, and correlations among these as well as additional seed traits including seed coat color, seed pattern color, seed pattern, seed texture, and years in storage would add value to the blackeye pea genotypes for use as a functional vegetable. Using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the red seeded accession originating from Mozambique, PI 367927 produced the highest quercetin (469.53 g/g) and myricetin (212.23 g/g) concentrations. The black seeded genotype, PI 353236, originating from India, produced the highest cyanidin (1,388.82 g/g) concentration. However, PI 353236 and the brown seeded genotype, PI 353352 from India produced the highest concentrations of delphinidin (1,343.27 and 1,353.94 g/g), respectively. Several correlations were observed and interestingly only delphinidin showed a significant negative correlation (r = -0.293*) with years in cold storage indicating that delphinidin declined in the seeds stored the longest (from 4-45 years) at 4 C. Principal component analysis (PCA) explained how the flavonols, anthocyanidins, and the additional seed traits contributed to the variation of the blackeye pea genotypes. The cluster analysis showed six clusters representing low to high phytochemical concentrations. The genetic parameters including 2g, 2p, GCV, PCV, h2h, and GG indicate that improvement in these phytochemical traits is possible through selection. The genotypic and phenotypic correlations showed that improving one phytochemical significantly improved the other except for cyanidin with delphinidin. These results can be used by scientists to develop blackeye pea cultivars with high flavonol and anthocyanidin concentrations.

Blackeye is a powerful open-source tool Phishing Tool. Blackeye is becoming very popular nowadays that is used to do phishing attacks on Target. Blackeye is an easy Social Engineering Toolkit. Blackeye contains some templates generated by another tool called Blackeye. This tool makes it easy to perform phishing attacks. There is a lot of creativity that they can put into making the email look as legitimate as possible. Blackeye offers phishing templates web pages for 33 popular sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, Snapchat, GitHub, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, WordPress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft, etc. Blackeye also provides an option to use a custom template if someone wants.

The tool has been installed successfully now if you want to perform a phishing attack on your victims choose any option from the menu list of the blackeye and blackeye will create the phishing link of the respective website which you can send to your victims. For example, if you choose Instagram choose option 1.

ARS geneticist Richard L. Fery and colleagues at the U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, S.C., developed Green Dixie Blackeye. It can be eaten fresh, frozen by home gardeners, or dried for storage and sale by the food industry.

Seed of Green Dixie Blackeye has been offered to over 240 commercial seed growers and food-processing companies so they can increase supplies. The new variety should be available to growers for the spring 2002 growing season.

The scientists developed Green Dixie Blackeye over a 10-year period by crossbreeding Bettergreen, a large cream-type green pea, and Bettergro Blackeye, a high-yielding popular blackeye-type pea. In 3 years of trials, Green Dixie Blackeye out-yielded top-producing Arkansas Blackeye #1 in 15 of 30 tests.

When harvested as dry peas and stored, Green Dixie Blackeyes make an attractive dry pack. Dry peas can be restored to their fresh-harvest seed size and green color by soaking them in water for 1 hour and then blanching them in boiling water for 3 minutes. Similarly treated, Bettergro Blackeye peas are a cream color.

Green Dixie Blackeye produces dry pods in about 71 days. Each pod produces about 14 peas. The dry peas resemble Bettergro Blackeye but are somewhat larger. Like Bettergro, Green Dixie Blackeyes have small, black eyes.

Breeder's seed will be maintained by ARS' U.S. Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston. Genetic material for developing new cultivars is available through the National Plant Germplasm System maintained by ARS, the chief scientific agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The mountain blackeye[3] (Zosterops emiliae), sometimes referred to as the olive blackeye or simply black-eye, is a species of passerine bird in the family Zosteropidae. It is endemic to the highest mountains on the island of Borneo. It is known from both Malaysian states on the island, and four of the five Indonesian provinces, but has never been recorded in Brunei. Typically found at elevations above 1,800 m (5,900 ft), the mountain blackeye sometimes moves to lower altitudes during periods of drought. There are four subspecies, which show clinal variations in size and coloring. Birds in the north are largest, darkest, and proportionately longer-tailed, while those further south are smaller, paler, and proportionately shorter-tailed. Adults are dark olive-green with a sharply-pointed, bright yellow-orange bill and a small dark mask connecting black lores with a black eye-ring. The subspecies show varying amounts of yellow in their plumage, particularly on the face and underparts. Young birds resemble their parents, but have less brightly colored bills.

Richard Bowdler Sharpe first described the mountain blackeye in 1888, using a specimen collected on Mount Kinabalu in northern Borneo. He named it Chlorocharis emiliae, putting it into a monotypic genus that he created for the species.[2] It remained in that genus for more than a century, with its affinities to other members of Zosteropidae (white-eye) family unclear.[4] However, molecular phylogenetic studies done early in the 21st century showed that it actually nested comfortably within the genus Zosterops, leading Chlorocharis to be subsumed into that larger genus.[5][6] Phylogenetic studies have shown that it is more closely related to species on other Sundaland islands than it is to species in Borneo's lowlands.[7] 152ee80cbc

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