What We Do
We meet as a Black Catholic Clergy of Atlanta (BCCA) every 3rd Monday of the month, except for June & July. Every Clergy member of our organization share what they are doing in their ministry and share how we can support one another as a general body. We also share what we do collectively as an organization. Dues is taken every September. Our dues support Black Catholic organizations locally as well as those outside the archdiocese of Atlanta. We continue to address and be active members of social justice, the place where Jesus dwells, when it comes to All of Pro-Life issues from womb-to- tomb, Black Lives Matter, racism, policy brutality, mass incarceration, health disparity in our community, climate change, educational equity, violence, homelessness, social reparation, 1619 Project, CRT, etc. BCCA continue to be the voice of the voiceless of the Black Community and be actively involved as agents for change when it comes to the seven principles (nguzo saba) of Kwanzaa utilize Kiswahili words: unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba), and faith (imani).