When you use the download function, usernames are included automatically in the file names for easy identification. But, files you download one by one from the Grade Assignment page won't include usernames. To avoid confusion, you can specify that students use a detailed file name that includes their last names or their usernames when they submit assignments.

Alternatively, you can type grades directly in the Grade Center cells. If you type a grade for the first attempt for an assignment that you have allowed two attempts for, this grade is called an override grade. If you go on to grade the second attempt from the Grade Assignment page, the override grade still supersedes the second attempt grade you assign. So, consider the ramifications before you assign grades directly in Grade Center cells for assignments.

Blackboard Bulk Download Assignments

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Follow the steps below to bulk download attachments students have submitted with an electronically submitted assignment that has been created by using the Assessment/Assignment tool in Blackboard.

Sometimes it might be necessary to change all due dates at once in a course. For instance, when you copy a course from a previous semester. It is time-consuming to go through and change the due dates or set the availability for assignments, journals, announcements, and other content items. The Batch Edit tool is a way to change all of the due dates and the availability dates in a single place.

Please note that students should not be asked to submit assignments directly into Turnitin. Students as the York University licence does not allow for marking and feedback within the Turnitin environment

Turnitin has just informed us of its decision to cease support for assignment submissions on behalf of non-enrolled students, effective from 19 September. Submission on behalf of non-enrolled students is an integral part of the workflow that allowed instructors to bulk upload Blackboard assignments to turnitinuk.com to generate similarity reports.

For group submissions, files must be submitted via Blackboard assignments; you will then need to download one file per group using the Marks and Feedback tool. Afterwards, you will upload these files to Turnitin and manually associate each of them with one group member in order to generate a similarity report.

This article is for Faculty who import past enrolled courses into upcoming term course shells and want to bulk update their availability dates across all assignments in Canvas' Assignments tab in course navigation.

Select the checkbox to the left of the Title heading to select all assignments. Notice the total number of assignments 135 in (the image below) are selected. The Batch Edit button is now selectable.

Additionally, faculty can select Module specific assignments to batch shift or remove due dates and assignment availability dates. Choose assignments that you want to Batch edit which belong to the same unit, chapter, or module by selecting the check box to the left of the name.

Discover how to provide a more seamless experience for students by pairing Connect with Blackboard Ultra. You'll learn how to find the Connect tool in Blackboard Ultra, pair your Connect course, import individual assignments, and set up Connect assignments in your Blackboard gradebook.

The Batch Edit page is used for taking bulk actions on content in your course, such as rolling dates forward based on the start of the semester or making several items visible or hidden. This new update allows you to change several dates in your course at once to a specific date and/or time. This includes dates and times for content availability (show and hide) and assessment due dates.

When release conditions are set, such as visibility dates and times, students cannot access the material until those conditions are met. However, this has the unintended consequence of also hiding assessments from them on the Gradebook tab. This is usually not the intended outcome, particularly when tests or assignments are hidden to prevent student confusion or access after the due date, and causes confusion for both faculty and students when students cannot view their grade or feedback.

This feature is the result of an ongoing partnership between Blackboard and Microsoft to better integrate Microsoft products in Blackboard. Future updates are expected, including the ability to provide a Word document as a template for assignments that students can use for their submissions.

Sorting options in the gradebook provide a more efficient grading experience. While sorting has been added to various places in the List View and Submission Views of the Gradebook, now you can sort the grid view columns by student last name, overall grade, or by individual tests, assignments, and manual columns.

While the Ultra Course View is designed to be inherently mobile-friendly, there are some features that are easier than others to use from a mobile device, like an iPad or other tablet. The recent Flexible Grading update makes it much easier to grade student assignments and add annotations with a tablet. This update improves upon that in a few ways by maximizing screen real estate. Now, only one of the side panels (students/questions or rubric/feedback) will be open at any time. Opening another panel collapses the other.

This update provides you with control over whether Class Collaborate appears in the Details & Actions area. To turn it off, click the Course Settings in the upper right corner of your course and switch the toggle for Class Collaborate off. When disabled, Class Collaborate will not appear in the Details & Actions area nor within conversations enabled for assignments with group submissions.

When an assessment has anonymous grading enabled, you have to be cautious to preserve that anonymity and the integrity of the grading process. The new ability to download the anonymous submissions in bulk protects anonymity by renaming the downloaded files with the submission receipt number instead of using the username, like normal bulk download of an assignment would.

Anonymous grading is one method for reducing grading bias for high-stakes assignments. Until now, this option was only available for assignments. With this update, you can now also turn on anonymous grading on tests. This adds an additional layer of fairness and impartiality to the grading process.

The submission and grading status filters on the Submission page for an assignment help you track student submission progress as well as your grading progress. Previously, this has only been available for assignments with individual submissions.

Sending Messages in bulk to all users of a certain role is efficient but potentially problematic, particularly for students. In the past, students were able to send messages to "All course members", which could be used maliciously or abused. This update restricts students to sending messages to all instructors or to selected course members. Instructors can send messages to all course members, all instructors, all students, and selected course members.

Progress tracking provides students with better methods for tracking their progress through course requirements, such as content, readings, assignments, and tests. The new Student Progress Report provides you with insight into how students are progressing your course.

The report includes the date and time an action occurred, such as when a student first viewed the content. You can sort the list by student name or progress status, and you can send individual or bulk messages (BC'd) to students based on the report.

With this addition, rubrics inside Ultra courses will allow instructors to add feedback for each criterion, providing more detail and clarity to your feedback. Feedback by criterion is available wherever rubrics appear, like discussions, anonymous assignments, single and multiple attempts assignments, among others.

When using the parallel grading workflow, the option will be available to all graders, but the only feedback by criterion students will see, is feedback given by the reconciler.

Journals are now available in the Ultra Course View! You can create a journal assignment on the Course Content page, add them to learning modules, and use conditional release if you want. Journal assignments appear in the activity stream, and you and the student can discuss their entry with comments. You can make a journal assignment count for a grade and add a rubric so students know what they'll be graded on.

With this release, instructors can create course-level group sets and align them to discussions, tests, and assignments. Within an Ultra course, select Course Groups from the Details & Actions menu. Create a new group set and save. In the settings panel of a discussion, test, or assignment, select Assign to groups. Then select your group set from the Group students menu. Learn more about creating groups.

When assignments require students to submit files in Learn, it's time-consuming for you to download each individual submission to grade it, especially in large courses. With this release, you can now download multiple student assignment submissions at once as a ZIP file from the Ultra gradebook. Learn more about bulk download for Assignments.

To help build assessments quickly and encourage academic integrity, you can now create question pools in the Ultra Course View. With question pools, students receive different sets of questions to answer. You can add questions from all existing tests, assignments, and question banks in their courses. 17dc91bb1f

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