Hair Texture Guide

Hair Types By Strand

What Are Hair Types:

*Type 1 Straight hair *Type 2 Wavy hair *Type 3 Curly hair *Type 4 Coily hair

There are 12 different hair types with 4 categories in each category. There are 3 types of hair A, B, and C.

The letters A, B and C correspond to the pattern type to break it down further, creating a number-letter combination. When trying to determine your hair type, it’s best to see how it reacts when it is soaking wet.

Your hair can range from 1A -4C. Every pattern combination can be hard to maintain when the wrong regimen and products are being used. Usually, it takes a few trials and errors to find the right products for you.

Black hair usually falls under a type 3a to 4c which is the tightest curls and requires more care and time.

The higher the index the drier it can be and needs more moisture.

If your hair falls into the 3's category, you should do a 50/50 split, which is half shampoo and half conditioner.

If you are in the 4’s category, you do a 75/25 split which is more conditioner (75%) and less shampoo (25%). This method is called co-washing.

Reminder You Can Have More Than One Hair Type:

You can have type 4C at your crown and 2A at your temples. Your hair could be straight at the root and wavy at the ends. The key is to understand what each hair type needs. Then you can style it well and keep it healthy.

Here are some useful YouTube video links that will go more in depth of different hair textures and their specific needs.