
The article Wo die vifen Kerle forschen in the Austrian magazine FALTER contains bits of an interview with Agata Ciabattoni and myself (in German).

Programme committee memberships: CLAR 2021, VCLA International Student Awards 2020 , VCLA International Student Awards 2019, LSFA 2019, VCLA International Student Awards 2018, LSFA 2017, VCLA International Student Awards 2015, LSFA 2016, Proof, Structure and Computation 2014.

Organising committee memberships: Second SYSMICS Workshop 2018, ALCOP 2016, LATD 2014, the latter of which was part of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014.

During my time in London I was one of the organisers of the LogIC seminar. If you are in London I highly recommend going to their talks.

My profiles on Google Scolar, Academia.edu, ResearchGate, publons, and github .

My OrcID is 0000-0002-5335-1838.