Björn Lellmann

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I am currently working at the Austrian Federal Chancellery. Until 2021 I was working at SBA Research in the project BRISE Vienna. Previously, I was a research assistant in the project Reasoning Tools for Deontic Logic and Applications to Indian Sacred Texts, and before that a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the TU Wien in the PAnaMoL project. Before this I was a member of the START project: Non classical proofs: theory, applications and tools led by Agata Ciabattoni, and even further back I did my PhD with Dirk Pattinson in London. In general I am interested in all things connected to logic, including applications of structural proof theory to legal reasoning and explainable AI. I am also interested in structural proof theory for modal and intermediate logics, in particular in the connections between Hilbert-style axiomatisations and Gentzen-style sequent, hypersequent or nested sequent calculi, as well as the expressive strengths of different Gentzen-style frameworks.
