Ayurveda Indian Head Massage

Ayurveda Indian Head Massage is a deep relaxation head, face, neck, shoulder and back massage.

It can help in de-stressing the whole body, aid sleep, stimulate lymphatic drainage, support in strengthening the nervous system and more.

Information you would like to know:

Treatments are typically 45 min. I book the sessions for 1 hour to allow you to feel less rushed at the end. You remain fully clothed throughout the treatment. Treatments can not be given in an acute phase of a headache or just after or if you have had a recent head, neck or back surgery. They should be avoided if you suffer from blood clots (Thrombosis, Embolism) or inflammation of the vertebra (Spondylitis). It is not recommended with hair extensions therefore it is at your own risk. I use aromatherapy during the session so if you have any sensitivities to sense please bring it to my attention when booking an appointment as I can omit it from the session.

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Shirodhara (warm oil stream on the third eye) The name comes from the Sanskrit words Shiro(head) and dhara (flow). The oil is a specially prepared warm herbal oil that is poured in a thin steady stream directly onto the forehead and the sixth chakra. It is said to be one of the most effective methods for reducing stress (calm the mind) and nervous tension. The special blends of oils will also nourish the hair and scalp.