Removing biopolymers from the lips

There are many different types of materials used to increase the volume of the lips and other parts of the body. Many of these injections are silicones or silicone derivatives that are durable because they do not break down over time compared to hyaluronic fillers (Restilan or Juvederm).

Types of permanent fillers

Permanent fillers such as silicone injection removal, biopolymer, biogel, PMMA and Biopolymer can be injected into the soft tissue of the lips to increase the volume.Certainly, the most popular permanent filler is Biopolymer. Biopolymer removal lips, or liquid silicone, is a synthetic material formed by polymerization and cross-linking of the basic unit of this chemical compound.Cosmetic surgery specialists, who do lip augmentation, advise patients against the use of permanent fillers, and experience tells us that despite all the possible complications, patients insist on Biopolymer. The fact is that despite everything, there are many lip augmentations with Biopolymer. The reason is the price and the lasting result. Patients prefer to pay a one-time 130 euros and enlarge their lips permanently, instead of enlarging with hyaluronic, degradable fillers, which cost 195-250 euros / ml and need to be replenished over time.

Removing biopolymers from the lips

The only way to remove biopolymers from the lips is by surgical removal. The reason for this is that after being implicated in the lips, the biopolymer sticks to the surrounding tissue, so removing it requires literally removing piece by piece the plastic, which until then had given volume to your lips. This operation is performed under local anaesthesia or analgesia and, depending on the amount of biopolymer used, lasts from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. No procedure in cosmetic surgery hurts because it is performed under anaesthesia. As it has already been said, you will not feel any pain when removing silicone from your lips.Before the operation, it is necessary to come to a detailed clinical examination by a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, and as part of the preparation for the operation, it is necessary to perform basic biochemical analyses and a blood picture.

Recovery after surgery to remove biopolymer from the lips

After the operation, the patients are discharged for home treatment. Antibiotic therapy as well as analogue therapy are used. Recovery is almost always accompanied by swelling that passes after 5 to 7 days.The day after the operation, there is permission to use the toilet of the oral cavity and fluid intake, and two days after the operation, food intake.In a high percentage, the success of the operation is complete, which means restoring the natural shape, volume, and core of the lips, and it is extremely rare to remove the biopolymer in several stages.

The scar is not noticeable because it is located on the mucous membrane of the lip, on the inside, and the sutures are removed after 10 days.