How nose silicone injection removal can save you from long-term side effect

Silicone is a strong or durable synthetic substance that’s injected into the face, lips, breasts, and buttocks to add more volume. Although it has been utilized in the beauty industry, still some people may discover their bodies refusing this foreign substance.

If you've done nose silicone injection, whether you are not satisfied with its results, or you are experiencing side effects, nose silicone injection removal can be a better solution for your problem.

Silicone is an industrial material, and it is most likely to trigger the inflammation & tissue reactions in the body.

Even its long term side effects cause the formation of masses and subcutaneous displacement.

The people who have had silicone get injected with rhinoplasty in earlier years start to seek the treatment. The long-term effects of silicone start to cause the deformities in their nose such as nasal bridge widening, nasal tip hypertrophy or in severe cases it causes obstructions that further lead to respiratory issues and intermittent throbbing pain in the nose.

If not treated within time, it can cause long term issues. Therefore, you need to find the experts who can perform the silicone removal procedure by ensuring the desired results. Safely and correctly fixing the issue is quite important for both health and aesthetic concerns.

Injection removal is the prime procedure in silicone reconstruction surgery which is quite complex. Silicone components cause tissue inflammation and fibrosis on adhesion to the skin that makes the skin very thick just like rubber. That's the reason it is difficult to remove the silicone.

Benefits of silicone injection removal -

Eliminating silicone will decrease or reduce the painful and uncomfortable side effects connected with these injections, such as pain, hardness, inflammation, obstruction, respiratory issues and even the chances of cancer. If silicone moves to other areas of the body, it can create embolism, stroke, and infection.

Thus, if you want to keep yourself safe from these harmful side effects, then early removal is the best solution for you. After the removal surgery, they can look more natural and fresher.

So, if you had undergone through the nose silicone reconstruction surgery make sure to look out for its side effects and consider the removal surgery as soon as possible