
Title of the talk: Epidemiology + Big Data + Technology = Better Global Health?

  • Speaker: Cristiana J. Silva - University of Aveiro

Title of the talk: An optimal control approach to HIV immunotherapy

Abstract: In this talk we propose a mathematical optimal control problem for HIV treatment with the combination of antiretroviral drugs and immunotherapy.

  • Speaker: Delfim F. M. Torres - University of Aveiro

Title of the talk: Exact Solution to a Dynamic SIR Model

Abstract: We investigate an epidemic model based on Bailey's continuous differential system. In the continuous time domain, we extend the classical differential model to time-dependent coefficients and present an alternative solution method to Gleissner's approach. If the coefficients are constant, both solution methods yield the same result. After a brief introduction to time scales, we formulate the SIR (susceptible-infected-removed) model in the general time domain and derive its solution. In the discrete case, this provides the solution to a new discrete epidemic system. The last part is dedicated to the analysis of the limiting behavior of susceptible, infected, and removed, which contains biological relevance.

  • Speaker: Fabio A. C. C. Chalub - FCT - NOVA University Lisbon

Title of the talk: Variational Principles in Evolutionary Dynamics

Abstract: The Moran process, the Kimura equation and the replicator dynamics are all processes frequently used to mathematically describe biological evolution. In this talk, we will show how to reformulate all these models using gradient flow formalism and show that these reformulations are mutually compatible.

  • Speaker: Helena Sofia Rodrigues, University of Aveiro

Title of the talk: When Epidemiology meet Management

Abstract: The simplest epidemiologic model composed by mutually exclusive compartments SIR (susceptible-infected-susceptible) is presented. From health concerns to situations related with marketing, informatics or even sociology, several are the fields that are using this epidemiological model as a first approach to better understand a situation that involves the concept of spread.

  • Speaker: Manuel L. Esquível, CMA FCT Nova

Title of the talk: From an Ordinary Differential Equation Model to an Open Population Markov Chain Model, via Stochastic Differential Equations - Associated models for HIV infection in individuals and populations

  • Speaker: Paulo Doutor - FCT - NOVA University Lisbon

Title of the talk: Social Interest and individual decisions in the propagation of infections

Abstract: I will present the work we have in progress about epidemiology in our group of investigation here at FCT NOVA, using compartmental models and game theory to study the relations between the individual interests and rational decisions and the social outcome those decisions produce. We are interested in understanding when that outcome is or is not in the best interest of all the society. We will try to focus on the possible common points of interest to both research groups: FCT NOVA and Aveiro.

  • Speaker: Regina Bispo, DM & CMA FCT Nova

Title of the talk: Project TraSeafood: A collaboration project between Mathematics and Biology

Abstract: In this talk we will present the Project TraSeafood. This project that aims to determine the combination of elemental and biochemical fingerprints of marine resources captured and/or cultured along the Atlantic western and south-western Iberian coast, necessary to predict and discriminate their geographic origin.

  • Speaker: Vera Afreixo, University of Aveiro

Title of the talk: As limitações dos estudos baseados em doentes/utentes! / Limitations of patient-based studies