
Dr Santo Domingo from US EPA visited the team.

Dr. Jorge Santo Domingo at the US EPA National Research Lab visited us for our on-going research collaboration. We look forward to fruitful research collaborations together.

Congratulations to Afia Sharmin who successfully defended her M.S. thesis.

Congratulations to Tasnuva Tanin Meem who successfully defended her M.S. thesis

Have a joyful day and enjoying the apple picking together!

Utoledo Awarded $1.5 Million to Fight Algal Blooms in Reservoirs, Rivers Used for Water Public Supply

Having fun in the lab!

Two environmental undergrad students have joined our research group for their spring semester co-op. We are excited to have them on board for ongoing research project supported by US Army Corps of Engineers, Ohio Department of Higher Education, and Ohio Water Development Authority. Welcome on board, Anna Younkman and Carolyn McEvoy! 

Dr. Lijiao Liu's visit with George! 

Dr. Lijiao Liu, a former lab member currently working as a water process engineer at the Samsung Electronics in Austin, Texas, visited our lab.  

Dr. Liu, We were so happy to catch up with you and meet George!

Getting ready for starting 2023!

Congratulations to Parul Baranwal who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Congratulations to Tae-Suh Yun who successfully defended his M.S. thesis.

Congratulations to Zak Kirschman who successfully defended his M.S. thesis.

Visit to USEPA National Research Lab

Our research team visited USEPA National Research Lab for research collaboration and met with EPA researchers.

We had  great time at 2022 AWWA WQTC conference

Team building is on going!

USACE Project

In this project , our research team are collaborating with the City of Bowling Green Water Treatment Plant to conduct field algaecide experiments. Here are undergraduate researcher and environmental engineering students Brody Sahloff and MK Boyd collecting field samples from Lake Erie during the summer.

Presentation at the 2022 International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria at the University of Toledo

Utoledo Awarded $1.4 Million to Advanced monitoring Algae at the Water Treatment Plant