Recommendations of the scientific committee of the Seminar

Recommendations :

1- Rehabilitation of pastoral rangelands, notably via the green dam at the steppe level

2- Respond to some of the obstacles encountered by camel breeding in collaboration between the inter-professional camel council and the university

3- Strengthening the North African network between researchers, especially in the field of bioinformatics

4- Electronic platform to list and make known local breeds and varieties

5- Creation of an experimental and smart farm

6- Creation of an evaluation committee

KAHIA-GNETHICAL laboratory, designated platform for molecular biology sequencing for program “NAGENRA”

Kahia-Genethical laboratories, the first genetics platform in Algeria, took part in the ninth “International Seminar on the management and genetic improvement of biological resources: Biodiversity, food security and health, which was held from 20 to 22 April 2024 at the Faculty of Sciences and Life, University of Tlemcen. 

Genethical is part of the program initiated by the University of Tlemcen, “NAGENRA” , the North African network of Genetic Resources for food and agriculture, which brings together several researchers from North African countries as well as Mauritania, from Sudan and Egypt. Genethical was designated by the initiators as the molecular biology and mainly sequencing platform. It should be noted that this event was also marked by the signing of a convention and a treaty which falls within the framework of the “NAGENRA” program, relating to biological diversity and a legally binding international treaty with three objectives. main:

-Conservation of biological diversity

 -Sustainable use of biological diversity

-Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources