University of Tlemcen







The Applied Genetics Laboratory in Agriculture, Environment and Public Health

 GenApAgiE is a laboratory affiliated with the University of Tlemcen, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Biology.

The research team at the GenApAgiE Applied Genetics Laboratory is divided into four different fields: the agricultural and plant field, the field of animal agriculture, the field of microscopic and microorganisms, and the field of public human health.

The Applied Genetics Laboratory and the research team focus on conducting field investigations and recording them in an information system and database in order to analyze them using bioinformatique analyzes programs by students and doctors specialized in data analysis, in addition to studying the phenotypic characteristics of the different breeds and the characteristics of each breed in order to evaluate them in After also working to address the shortcomings found in each breed by providing its own genetic improvement program, the laboratory also focuses its research on studying the behavior of various breeds in the various environments surround .

The goal of data analysis is to find the relationship between the genetic composition of living organisms and the environmental factors surrounding them and how the environment and genetics interact and influence each other, and also to find the relationship between genes and their effect on the phenotype of living organisms, including their effect on the productive characteristics that It has a direct relationship with food security and ecological balance on the one hand, and on the other hand, finding and providing scientific solutions for the benefit of the agricultural and agricultural field that have an impact on the national economy and an impact on improving the quality of the local product.

Research results are often published in the form of scientific articles in national and international scientific journals, and summaries and research outputs are presented to institutions and guardian bodies in order to apply them to the field and benefit from the scientific product and from the guidance of laboratory experts and researchers.

The laboratory also provides opportunities for aspiring students to enter the world of entrepreneurship and create the first steps towards establishing emerging companies in the agricultural and agricultural field, by crystallizing the scientific ideas obtained through research, and trying to embody them in the field, in cooperation and coordination with the House of Entrepreneurship at the University. Tlemcen.

The research team of the GenApAgiE Applied Genetics Laboratory is currently conducting research in the following fields:

Field of animal agriculture: goats, donkeys, horses, dogs, camels, cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits, bees.


Field of agriculture and plants: plum, carob, fig, olive, wheat, barley, corn, chickpeas, mushrooms, cherries, argan, medicinal and aromatic plants.

Public human health:

Treatment with bee products, medicinal herbs and treatment of chronic diseases


Micro-organisms: microscopic and genetic analysis of the intestinal microbiota


Bioinformatics: Researchers and doctors provide training in analytical programs of great interest in the biological and medical fields.

SPSS, GenAlex, ImageG, Mega7, Logiciel R, R Studio, Bowtie2, soapdenovo2, BLAST, GeneMark, Galaxy