Improving bioproduction through dynamic regulation circuits
About the project
BioCircus is a Horizon Europe (Grant agreement ID: 101062593) project funded through a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship with a total budget of 206.641,20 € and a duration of 30 months.
The goal of BioCircus is to address the lack of robustness in microbial strain engineering that is hampering the biomanufacturing industry. The research will be focused on the creation of autonomously controlled microbial strains for bioproduction, using naringenin as proof-of-principle production molecule. The construction of biosensor and dynamic regulation circuits that measure and control the production of the target molecule, improved using automation and predictive models, will define the main results of this project. BioCircus will produce academic and industrial impacts that will boost the bioproduction field by improving strain scalability.
Click here to see the official CORDIS link of the project.
Key concepts
Synthetic biology
SynBio is an interdisciplinary field that combines biological, engineering, and computational principles to create complex biosystems.
Biomanufacturing uses biological factories (microorganisms, tissues, cell extracts, enzymes) to produce high-value chemicals.
Whole-cell biosensors use biochemical transformations inside living cells to detect and react to different inputs.
Dynamic regulation
Dynamic regulation can be found in nature, controlling the production of key molecules and has been finely optimized through evolution.
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