Invasive species

English Ivy / Hedera helix

An rampant climbing vine, can be a garden addition or a harmful pest.

English ivy (aka common ivy) is a flowering evergreen, which appears as a clinging vine. its often found in gardens, forests, waste areas and most wild unmanaged areas. it can also be intentionally planted as it has potential to be a pretty garden addition, although there is the risk of it running rampant and taking over the garden, as well as its toxicity to most animals.

Commonly seen ivy plants are juvenile, with dull dark green leaves with 3-5 pointed lobes, and distinctly lighter veins. Mature ivy plants are un-lobed and appear with a wide teardrop shape, as well as a shinier surface.

English ivy leaves can vary in size from around 1-6 centimeters.

Ivy are classified with simple arrangement, and have alternating stem arrangement,

juvenile leaf (vs) mature leaf

Ivy does have flowers, meaning it is an angiosperm. They grow in umbrella-shaped clusters. they are light yellow-green in colour, and bloom at night. ivy uses pollen and seeds to reproduce. it is cross-pollinated by a variety of insects.

English ivy flowers & mature leaves

English ivy prefers darker areas, with part to full shade, and moist, well fertilized, neutral-alkaline PH soil

It is often found in forests, or any wooded areas.

This type of ivy originated from Europe, specifically Scandinavia and Russia.

a forest overtaken by ivy

Though ivy looks pretty, it can have a serious impact over time on neighboring plants. this invasive plant will eventually overtake any trees nearby and limit their access to sunlight, as well as weakening the branches and bark. if you must remove ivy from a tree, you cannot just tear it off, it has to be carefully removed to not further damage the tree. see the link button to see in detail, how to remove ivy from your garden. To try to prevent ivy from overtaking your garden in the first place, just keep it under control, cut it down before it begins to grab onto everything with its vine.

Common English Ivy

This plant is also toxic to people and pets. when leaves are eaten, it causes gastrointestinal distress if consumed.

English ivy can be replanted with Canada wild ginger. it is a non-invasive and local alternative, that doesn't cause damage to surrounding plants or animals. although it doesn't climb like ivy, its a good groundcover plant, and because it doesn't climb, it will not spread and suffocate any nearby trees.

Canadian Wild Ginger

There is also a mutated version of English ivy, called Goldchild ivy. it is practically the same plant, but with light yellow rimming the edge of the leaf.

Goldchild English Ivy

taxonomy classification

Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Anthophyta (magnoliophyta)

Class: Dicotyledons (magnoliopsida) Order: Apiales Family: Araliacecae

Genus: Hedera L Species: Hedera Helix