We will work on these CLIL activities throughout the year. 

First Term: The Description. Students in 1º ESO wrote descriptions about monsters to celebrate Halloween.

Second Term : The Narrative. Students in 1º ESO have filled in a Linkedin template about Anglosaxon writers to celebrate The Working Woman's Day.

Actividades CLIL



BIOLOGY : We are working on the description through an activity called NATURE BOOK in which we describe the different types of living beings that we study in class.

We have worked on the narrative by designing posters about scientists women, to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Nature Book.pdf
Póster Conferencia de Redes Juveniles Verde con Icono de Globo Terráqueo (4).pdf

1º ESO students have made these awesome travel brochures. They have enjoyed this activity and have learned a lot about amazing destinations.


Making these wonderful projects about the Solar System,  students have enjoyed and learned a lot.

As every first term at IES Alminares, teachers and students work together preparing some CLIL activities.They deal with Description and non- linguistic  teachers focus on how to write descriptions in their different subjects. Here you are some examples. 

You can admire these amazing descriptions  students have written in Biology lesson.

And learn a bit  more about Middle Ages  by reding these descriptions students have done in History lesson.

Enjoy these beautiful descriptions students have done in Biology lessons.

In this second term, the CLIL activities will be focussed on The Narrative. Here, you can see the works that our students have done in Biology lessons. They have written about the protein synthesis and these are the results.

Music students have also done these interesting  works about different instruments.

This year to celebrate the Day of Europe and the Book Day as well, our students have taken part in a Bookmark Contest. They have chosen a book they have read recently and they have written the title, the author's name, a quotation and the slogan "Reading is fun" in the diffferent languages which are spoken in the European Union. And this is the result!! Amazing, isn't is?

During the last term, our students have carried out these CLIL activities related to the Description. 

In P.E., students have written descriptions about famous sport people good at water sports,, connecting this activity with our school leitmotiv throughout this year, The Sea and the Discoveries. These are the P.E. activities:

In History, our students have written descriptions about medieval characters and castles as well. You can see some templates here.

These are the activities  students have done in Music lessons.

These are the activities about The Narrative students have written in Biology lessons.

And the ones students have done in Music lessons as well.

In the third term, our students have worked on the Dialogue, the CLIL activity  programmed for the  last  term. Here we have some examples of interviews they have written about famous surfers all over the world. Let's have a look at them!

                                 YAEL PEÑA

SCHOOL YEAR 2023_2024

Welcome to this new school year! As the former years, our students have worked on Descriptions during the first term. These are some samples of  the descriptions students have written in P.E.

These are new examples of descriptions students have written in Biology lessons.

As every year, our students have worked on narrative in the different non- linguistic subjects. Here you can see a bundle of the best ones. Enjoy!

And  also some examples of the ones students have written in Music lessons.

The CLIL activity for the third term is The Dialogue. Listen to these podcasts and enjoy!

Iris-Amina (NATALIA MUÑOZ).mp4
Amanda-Emily (LANDO MESSI).m4a
Miguel (MESSI).mp4
Podcast 2ºb.docx