
Research Interests

  • Intersection of Operations Research, Machine Learning and Behavioral Modeling

  • Choice-based optimization models for transportation

  • Integrating preferences of users (shippers, carriers, passengers etc.) into decision making models

  • Prediction-based real-time optimization

  • Stochastic and dynamic optimization models

  • Intermodal freight transportation: coordination between several entities in the system (operators, freight forwarders etc.)

  • Robustness towards uncertainty in supply, demand, and operation of the (automated) equipments, vehicles, vessels etc.

  • Sustainable Transportation and Logistics over Water


  • Breno Alves Beirigo, Optimization and Learning for transport and logistics operations, within TRiLOGy project, Nov 2020 - ongoing


PhD students:

  • Yimeng Zhang, Collaborative Planning for Synchromodal Transport: Multi-objective optimization models with preferences, Sep 2019 - ongoing

  • Adrien Nicolet, Logistics model for improving the efficiency of hinterland transportation - within NOVIMOVE project, Oct 2020 - ongoing

  • Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro, Online optimization methods - within the Cohesion project on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Real-time Transportation Systems, with Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Oct 2020 - ongoing

  • Cigdem Karademir, Dynamic and Stochastic Fleet Management models -within TRiLOGy project, Jan 2021 - ongoing


  • Rie B. Larsen, Predictive Synchromodality for more Efficient Container Transportation - within COMET-PS project, defended in Sep 2022

  • Wenjing Guo, Optimization of Synchromodal Matching Platforms under Uncertainties, defended in Nov 2020

  • Mazen Danaf, Online Discrete Choice Models: Applications in Smart Mobility, completed June 2019, MIT (co-supervised with Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva

  • Xiang Song, PhD Thesis, Personalization of Future Urban Mobility, completed August 2018, MIT (co-supervised with Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva).

Research projects:

TRiLOGy (NWO Blauwe Route project): Sustainable Transportation and Logistics over Water: Electrification, Automation and Optimization

  • Project leader

  • Co-applicants: Javier Alonso-Mora, Rudy Negenborn, Robert Babuska

  • Industrial partners: AMS, Zoev City, Gemeente Amsterdam, DEMCON and Flying Fish

  • The focus of my group: Strategic and Operational Level Fleet Management Models

  • Start date: Oct 1, 2020

New project: PATH2Zero: PAving THe way towards Zero Emission and RObust inland shipping

  • NWA Zero Emission Inland Shipping

  • Close collaboration with with Rob Zuidwijk from Erasmus University.

  • Transport workpackage where we will address strategic, tactical and operational level decisions for transport and energy systems.

  • I will hire a PhD student soon.

  • Timeline: 2023-2028

NOVIMOVE (H2020): Novel inland waterway transport concepts for moving freight effectively

  • WP2 on New port & river logistics operations with Edwin van Hassel (U Antwerp)

  • The focus of my group: Optimization models for transport operations through the Rhine-Alpine corridor with incorporation on behavioral models regarding modal split across different alternatives

  • Start date: June 1, 2020

Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Real-time Transportation Systems (TU DELFT - 3mE Cohesion Project):

  • with Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani

  • Application of imitation learning ideas in a model-based setting in transportation applications.

  • Start date: Oct 1, 2020

Crowd behavior modeling (CBM) of ultra large passenger ships (TU DELFT - 3mE Cohesion Project):

  • with Austin Kana and Javier Alonso-Mora

  • My focus: Route choice modeling of people on board during evacuation & agent-based simulation

  • Timeline: Jan 2021 - Jan 2022

COMET-PS: Complexity Methods for Synchromodality (NWO project)

  • Lead the project on the TU Delft side

  • PhD student (Rie Larsen) on predictive models for synchromodal transportation

  • Closely collaborating with: CWI, TNO, CTT (Combi Terminal Twente), Port of Amsterdam

  • Timeline: 2018-2022