
New paper published in Transportation Research Part D about reaching sustainable transport solutions through eco-label preferences and collaboration! 10 October 2022

New paper published in Transportation Research Part E on representing the heterogeneous preferences of shippers in Freight Transportation! 16 July 2022

New paper published in Transportation Research Part C about the benefit of flexible services in intermodal transportation! 24 May 2022

New paper published in Transportation Research Part B about choice-driven mobility on demand systems! 21 May 2022

BEST PAPER AWARD to our paper "Performance improvement of maritime container terminals through the bottleneck mitigation cycle" at the IAME conference! Which is published in the Journal of Maritime Economics and Logistics in 21 Sep 2022.

Representation of our group at the INFORMS TSL workshop June 2022 in Bergen, Norway with papers by Cigdem Karademir, Breno Beirigo, Bilge Atasoy and Yimeng Zhang:

On February 17th, 2022, we organized a session on "Autonomy over water for urban transport and logistics" in the context of the AMS conference together with Javier Alonso-Mora, Breno Beirigo and Fabio Duarte. Thanks for all the speakers and the participants for exchanging ideas and active participation!

BEST PAPER AWARD Shobayo, P., van Hassel, E., Vanelslander, T., Atasoy, B. (2021) Enhancing container barge trabsport in Europe, presented at 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT)

Bilge Atasoy featured in RTV Utrecht

Forthcoming paper in Transportation Science: Osorio, C., and Atasoy, B. (forthcoming) Efficient simulation-based toll optimization for large-scale networks

Our project Sustainable Transportation and Logistics over Water: Electrification, Automation and Optimization (TRiLOGy) is awarded by NWO! December 2019

TRB 2020 presentations/posters :

Events and presentations at TRB Annual Meeting 2020

  • I am organizing and presiding Freight Day, Part 2: Sustainable and Efficient Solutions for Last Mile Distribution, Tue, 1/14/2020, 10:15AM-12:00PM, speakers: Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT), Laetitia Dablanc (U Paris-East), Michael Replogle (NYC, Deputy Commissioner), Daniel Merchan (Amazon), Tim Weaver (Chanje)

  • I will present Charge Scheduling of Electric Vehicles for Last-Mile Distribution of an E-grocer, Tue, 1/14/2020, 3:45PM-5:30PM, 146B, Convention Center, joint work with Menno Dalmijn, Peter Bijl and Rudy Negenborn

  • Wenjing Guo will present A Dynamic And Stochastic Shipment Matching Problem in Multimodal Transportation, Mon, 1/13/2020, 8:00-09:45AM, 144A, Convention Center, joint work with B.Atasoy, W. Beelaerts and Rudy Negenborn

  • Real-Time Predictive Control Strategy Optimization, S. Gupta, R. Seshadri, B.Atasoy, A. Akkinepally, F. Pereira, G.Tan, M. Ben-akiva, Wed, 1/15/2020, 10:15 AM-12:00 PM, 101, Convention Center

  • We have various posters:

    • #20-05989 Platform-based Collaborative Routing using Dynamic Prices as Incentives: The Case of Quicargo, B.Atasoy, F.Schulte, A. Steenkamp, Mon, 1/13/2020, 8:00-09:45AM, Hall A, Convention Center, Standing Committee on Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics.

    • #20-03280 Optimization of Integrated Production and Distribution Planning for an Online Grocer, A. Braemer, B. Atasoy, J. van Tatenhove, H. Polinder, Mon, 1/13/2020, 8:00-09:45AM, Hall A, Convention Center, Standing Committee on Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics.

    • #20-03450 Preference-Based Facility Location for On-Demand Logistics, J. Paulusse, B. Atasoy., Y. Maknoon, J. Rezaei, Mon, 1/13/2020, 8:00-09:45AM, Hall A, Convention Center, Standing Committee on Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics.

    • #P20-20622 Methodologies for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of inland waterways, B.Atasoy, H. Meersman , E. Moschouli, L. NanwayBoukani , C. Sys , E. van Hassel, T. Vanelslander , E.Van de Voorde, Tue, 1/14/2020, 10:15AM-12:00PM, Accelerating the Velocity of Marine Transportation and Port Technologies: Moving Freight Faster and More Transparently, Reliably, and Safely, Hall A, Convention Center, Standing Committee on Ports and Channels (AW010)

  • New paper accepted in Journal of Choice Modelling, Logit Mixture with Inter and Intra-Consumer Heterogeneity and Flexible Mixing Distributions by Mazen Danaf, Bilge Atasoy and Moshe Ben-Akiva, October 21, 2019.

  • Presentations at the TSL Workshop in Vienna:

    • Choice-based dynamic dial-a-ride problem for on-demand transportation by Bilge Atasoy, Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Yousef Maknoon, Michel Bierlaire and Moshe Ben Akiva

    • Dynamic Prices as Incentives for Collaborative Transportation: Using Side Payments for Individually Rational and Stable Horizontal Cooperation by Bilge Atasoy, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Frederik Schulte and Stefan Voß

  • New paper accepted in Transportation, May 18,2019: Xie, Y., Danaf, M., Azevedo, C., Prakash, A.A., Atasoy, B. , Jeong, K., Seshadri, R., Ben-Akiva, M. (2019) Behavioral Modeling of On-Demand Mobility Services: General Framework and Application to Sustainable Travel Incentives

  • New paper available online in Journal of Choice Modeling, March 11, 2019: Context-aware stated preferences surveys for smart mobility

  • New paper published online in Decision Support Systems, Feb 22, 2019: Online discrete choice models: Applications in Personalized Recommendations

  • Papers presented at the TRB Annual Meeting 2019, January 13-17:

    • #19-01763: Dynamic Toll Pricing using DTA System with Online Calibration

    • #19-05572: Sequential Personalized Menu Optimization through Bandit Learning

    • #19-02589: Understanding Preferences for Automated Mobility On Demand using a Smartphone-based stated preferences survey: A Case Study of Singapore

    • #19-05019: Endogeneity in Adaptive Choice Contexts: Choice-Based Recommender Systems and Adaptive Stated Preferences Surveys

    • #19-03379: Behavioral Modeling of On-Demand Mobility Services: General Framework and Application to Sustainable Travel Incentives

  • Presentation at MATTS conference, Delft, October 2018

  • New paper in Transportation Research Part B, available online August 29, 2018.

  • Paper to be presented at hEART, September 2018.

  • Paper presented at IATBR, July 2018.

  • Seminar at the Smart Public Transport Lab, May 30, 2018.

  • Moved to TU Delft as an assistant professor, March 2018.

  • Several co-authored papers presented at TRB Annual Meeting, January 2018.

    • #18-04230: Alternative Activity Pattern Generation for Stated Preference Surveys.

    • #18-06769: Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization

    • #18-05863: Calibration and Optimization for Adaptive Toll Pricing

    • #18-05753: Personalized Menu Optimization with Preference Updater: A Boston Case Study.

    • #18-02626: Intercity Truck Driver Route Choice Incorporating Drivers' Heterogeneity in Toll Road Usage: Data collection, Model, Estimation and Model application

  • Organized the Sustainable Travel Incentives Session at INFORMS, October 2017.

  • Presentation at IFORS, July 2017

  • Tripod Project in the news, May 3, 2017

  • Talk at Research Speed Dating Day, March 10, 2017

  • Talk at EPFL, Conference on Transportation Systems, Feb 6, 2017

  • New paper in Transportation Research Part C, available online May 19, 2015

  • Featured Postdoc seminar at MIT, Feb 11, 2015.

  • MIT News in Brief, May 2014