How to sign a photo on the Instagram - free ways

Hashtags in the Instagram? The goal is to become a favorite and popular with all subscribers of Instagram? As most intelligently express their thoughts, beautifully sign the photo, as well as win the deserved admiration of people, we will explain to you in our article.

1. Original sign a photo in Instagram and earn a thousand "likes"!

Until now, with envy, you look at photos of friends with several hundred comments and "likes" and do not know how to beautifully sign your photos to also become popular? Then you just need to quickly get acquainted with the instruction on the topic: "How to sign a photo in Instagram"?

How to sign a photo on the Instagram

2. Do not be afraid to look funny

Photo in Instagram. Be aware that very often, after adding the next portion of the photo to the social network Instagram, you were tremblingly waiting for the reaction of people and thinking about how "decent" your photos are. And now think about what photos you choose for viewing yourself. Obviously, only the most original and bright.

And now we list the most common mistakes that should be avoided so that your subscribers do not get bored:

  • Excessive number of "Selfie";

  • A large number of monotonous photographs;

  • Photos that do not have people.

Do not be afraid to experiment and take photos as much as possible: jokes with your favorite dog, fun with your sister, adventure with flowers, an unexpected kiss with a guy, and even a banal quarrel with a girlfriend - all this should be juicy, expressive and at once a few unusual photos every day.

3. Experiment and collect a bunch of "likes"

How to make a photo in Instagram Immediately after adding each new photo, try to modify its appearance using different filters. Attention of subscribers can also be attracted by making the original signature under the photograph.

But those "highlights" that can make your person most popular on Instagram for a long time:

  • Photosessions of such important events as engagement, wedding, birthday, graduation and so on;

  • Funny pictures, which are present for children or pets;

  • Photographs of a personal nature, capturing the "cool" moments of your life.

So, to the most important tools of dominance on Instagram you can include photos with good quality, competent use of hashtag, as well as witty and unusual signatures directly under the photo itself.

First think about what to sign next to the photo, to attract the maximum number of subscribers. For example, the brilliant idea of ​​how to sign a son's photo can bring you the long-awaited popularity and disrupt the flurry of enthusiastic comments.

Photo on instagram

4. The magical power of hashtags

Photo description in InstagramReshetka (#) has already managed to conquer modern cyberspace and enter our life as a norm. You yourself will be surprised how easy it is to express your sincere emotions, such as joy, fun, sadness or despondency, and at the same time remain on the wave of popularity among subscribers. Learn the benefits of working with different hashtags, and also learn how to sign the best quality photos across the grating.

Also, view the tags of other users of Instagrams in order to choose the best for themselves. By simply adding the "#" icon in front of the original tag that relates to your photo, you will additionally get about 30 hashtags!

However, try to select only the most "running" hashtags, so that their number is not excessive, also, periodically update their list.

Remember that the keyword, which will be used in future, as a topic for searching for information, should be capacious, concise, and also have a strong emotional coloring.

Properly created hashtag, if it is supported by a sufficiently large number of viewers, will automatically go into the Instagram trend and attract a huge number of users to a lively discussion, witty comments and the long-awaited "likes"!

As you can see, if you already know that the popularity of photography largely depends on the correctness and accuracy of the selected keywords or hashtags, then you need to show your imagination to sign your personal photos, and only the limits of morality and Instagram rules can be limitations. A photo with a signature in Instagram is a whole composition that should interest the visitor to become your subscriber or client. Act better together and with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!